[NetBehaviour] the critical engineer. interview with danja vasiliev

Natalia Fuchs nfuchs at artypical.com
Wed Jun 18 19:15:36 CEST 2014

Some time ago Polytechnic Museum in Moscow announced the launch of the‘Polytech.Science.Art’ program, which is dedicated to one of the most significant phenomena of contemporary culture – interdisciplinary collaborations between artists, scientists, and technology specialists. The program started with a series of workshops and lectures by international and Russian experts, artists, and researchers, who are acknowledged by international community and granted with numerous awards and prizes, as well as young professionals. Many of them are presenting their projects in Russia for the first time. The workshop OTHERNET by Danja Vasiliev has opened the program in March 2014.

Interview with Danja Vasiliev: http://artypical.com/?p=104

My warmest regards from Moscow,
Natalia Fuchs / Наталья Фукс

Interdisciplinary Projects Curator

Polytech.Science.Art: Наука.Искусство.Технологии 
Polytechnic Museum, Moscow, Russia
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