[NetBehaviour] Welcome to the solstice and rhythms operation?
aha at aharonic.net
Sat Jun 21 06:48:55 CEST 2014
Good morning!
The 4th of the rhythm oriented middles, medians, and as it turned -
mediums - recording is on via at the top of the data flow (aka "page"):
Next up at 06.00 BST
Last beat at 12.00 BST
Cheers for now and ciao
> Hiyas!
> Hope this finds you all pretty well indeed!
> Today, or rather tonight, apparently, is the solstice. As part of an on
going conversations about Rhythms in general, Being rhythms to be more
specific, and perhaps Rhythm oriented ontology to be more exact: (
http://aharonic.net/roo/about-roo-discussions/ )
> Full details about today's solstice and rhythms operation:
> http://arty.li/ZQ4
> .....We are doing a conversational operation that will begin its search
from being middle, median, balanced.
> How is it to Be a middle? A rhythm of balance, a median frequency, and
so on..
> Come and join us via mumble* (http://digihub.org.uk/mumbleio/)
> Every middle of the 12 hour clock (BST-
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/london )
> Starting today (20.06.14) at 12.00noon(bst) to tomorrow's (sat.
21.06.14) 12.00noon(bst) -
> And lets get, errr, balanced?
> How is it to be a well balanced frequency on Bach's string?
> Or a middle of a balanced broom on your finger?
> We'll begin the search from there.. As a search, perhaps only its own
entrainment and desires can have a clue as to other stuff it will link
> Cheers and all the bests!!
> Aharon
> xx
> * About mumble
> THe suggestion is to use mumble for the voice connection.
> Hopefully its cool with people. If there are other suggestions - please
do reply.
> Updates will be emailed and posted on:
> http://arty.li/ZQ4
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