[NetBehaviour] no damage was done to airplanes (but our bldg was on fire)

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Jun 22 00:47:13 CEST 2014

no damage was done to airplanes


no damage was done to airplanes

(addendum: but our building literally caught on fire and now
it's out and we're back in our place and I'm sending this out;
Azure, Ossi the Cat, and I are all nervous wrecks.)

The first thing that comes to mind on this airplane is poise.
Suspended airplane thus static, the drink remaining on the
traytop, not even a momentary spillage. The hurtling airplane:
it's as if the world were ship to airplane is closely monitored
- and still box-cutters get through. i am your names and your
airplanes i am all airplanes and all children all airplanes and
all children come to me ship to airplane is closely monitored -
and still box-cutters get through. with the continuity girl!
Thwoop! Thwoop! An airplane explodes; Bulgaria my trust in
technology, flying an airplane, or rather being flown in one,
with the continuity girl! Thwoop! Thwoop! An airplane explodes;
Bulgaria to be packaged in pipes and bottles, cars and trucks,
airplanes and trains imaginary - on the way to a conference - in
a sealed airplane - emissions :the fourth airplane did not hit
its designated target into sky, you see among the beams, a
ceiling, airplanes, sky, and world, airplanes, looks like a
great giant person invented the airplane and the automobile. We
are the new people. We are freest automobile.  airplane new all
is want. ourselves It you. doesn't It matter airplane radio
invented television. and airplane the united states airplanes
pronouncements, but on what? imperfectly, we are devolves into
the crashing airplane carrying the HEAD of the HEAD OF STATE
desireart'sroad saw within devolves crashing airplane carrying
didn't 'airplane' was 'aviron'; it was later formally changed to
'matos' which in a sealed airplane - emissions in despair i
search, the sea -- back in and down bottles, cars cars to and
others trucks, airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes airplanes
airplanes airplanes

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