[NetBehaviour] Dr Hairy in: Big.Data (part 1)

michael szpakowski michael at dvblog.org
Tue Jun 24 11:33:13 CEST 2014

I urge you to do so without delay Dave -it's as sharp and as funny as all the others but as the series continues to settle in there's an increasing depth of characterisation, even of "unsympathetic" characters ,which makes sometimes for a turn on a sixpence transition between satire, broad comedy and a kind of poetry ( I'm thinking of the "collecting" monologue -there's something, too, about the surreal construction of the puppets against the rather rural view out of the window which is really affecting)

 From: dave miller <dave.miller.uk at gmail.com>
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Dr Hairy in: Big.Data (part 1)

Hi Edward
This sounds great. Really glad dr hairy back in action.  Look forward to watching this.
Thanks dave 

On 23 Jun 2014 19:15, "Edward Picot" <edward at edwardpicot.com> wrote:

Dear all -
>The Undersecretary from the Department of Health decides to make a data extraction from every doctor's surgery in the country - with hilarious results!
>The latest in a series of puppet-animation videos about the adventures and misadventures of an ordinary (but somewhat hirsute) doctor working in the NHS.
>On YouTube: http://youtu.be/oR5gw8ls_T8
>On Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/98872491
>- Edward Picot
>http://edwardpicot.com - personal website
>http://drhairy.org - the Dr Hairy website
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