[NetBehaviour] purity

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Jun 29 03:58:38 CEST 2014


On Sat, 28 Jun 2014, Peter ciccariello wrote:

> yes
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>       purity
>       http://www.alansondheim.org/pure1.png
>       http://www.alansondheim.org/pure.mp4
>       http://www.alansondheim.org/purity.mp4
>       (please watch in their entirety, the concept plays out)
>       it is not anonymity or the purity of faceless bodies that i
>       search between corrosion and purity "and who although desiring
>       purity "money" is _pure_ quantity. there is no other quantity
>       than this purity "money" is an investment in purity. it is
>       always already clean, without 'look me do.'" (lol, being line.)\
>       hempen\ reversals reflecting purity 'purity.' purity results in
>       embellishment, ornament, creating object- (14) acquisition of
>       clothes and the like (15) semen virile (16) purity of (please
>       watch in their entirety, the concept plays out) /[z]+/ { "that
>       purity and impurity are one" } 10. the danger is in nothing but
>       the appearance of the _purity of time,_ 7. 'purity' of
>       structure. i am playing something and the doing and undoing 8.
>       deconstruction of 'purity' of structure. this goes literally
>       without and that my language always be misplaced in purity, that
>       all buildings are because the desert is not a space of purity
>       and impurity, because it is boy was the holy purity of death,
>       anne's picture by my bedside; what i deconstruction purity
>       filth: beneath surface. stays scrammed, douglas, purity danger,
>       franz steiner taboo, these sorts barriers menses it's as if the
>       purity of these acts guaranteed their certain strength, as mary
>       douglas, look again and again at purity, and with deleuze and
>       mary douglas, look again and again at purity, and with deleuze
>       and one should learn from the r yes|no measurement that
>       decision, at the bottom, is independent. "the best-laid plans of
>       mice and men often go astray"; and are inherently astray. they
>       are never plans until observed - when the secret's out. code
>       hides and reveals, checksumming a relative assurance of purity.
>       beyond that, there is nothing but plasma analogic, and the
>       digital grave.) our lord "this coincidence and not a greater
>       purity of blood has preserved program transcendent... i'll come
>       to grips... :: night-cycles... purity... second life bodies
>       touch on the abject, but don't 'enter' within it; there are
>       issues of purity and corruption. buddhaghosa's visuddhimagga,
>       path to purity, is extremely important in this regard,
>       especially in relation to illusion and suffering. there are also
>       kasinas which are may be related to landscape 'focal points' in
>       sl. a second important text is the hevajratantra with its
>       multiple bodies; it might be worth looking at the works of tsong
>       ka-pa in this regard as well. (again, kristeva's powers of
>       horror, lingis, mary douglas, all come to mind.)  tcp/ip, true
>       cabbalistic purity of the ggp, _gilgal_ wheel protocol, tcp/ip,
>       true cabbalistic purity of the ggp, _gilgal_ wheel protocol, the
>       abject is what leaks; closure can be augmented by purity, we are
>       living in the mid-time of dirtiness, impurity. when impurity
>       breeds impurity, when ought is pure? when purity breeds when
>       purity descends and breath stops: [ 'true world' is misnomer: it
>       implies duality, rectitude, the purity of [11:59] you: fascism
>       with its emphasis on purity of all sorts, the [that what appears
>       cleansed from within, the purity of form and con- _intend,_ hurl
>       the purity of lightspeed approach (time down, space up!), a book
>       to be handled with purity or impurity, scarcity or excess - a
>       purity which is absent in text-based virtual communications. a
>       relative inattention to purity. a settled test of purity, and
>       modes of expression to be rejected or abject which leaks,
>       closure aaugmented by purity, revolving within, the anarchy
>       underlying the idea of purity, grappling guerilla-like with site
>       and i will not be present for that end or the pretense of purity
>       which and among the abject. the purity of structure is the
>       purity of the world; and dummy and charm, and tefillin torn,
>       what mkblin impurity? and images fall into space emptied of
>       everything, including purity. and and nose, cleansing carefully.
>       o purity, a lure to endure, lewd lure of and rumor rumor will."
>       he would say, turned home from impurity, and would ask him
>       taharot impurity baths. said to him: rabbi are issues of purity
>       and corruption. buddhaghosa's visuddhimagga, path to around
>       purity god misery. film attacking same. they can't. prolong out
>       as if in interruption of the purity of the assumption of balance
>       and purity in philosophy and dance. here, dancers assurance of
>       protocol, propriety, purity. beyond that, there is nothing
>       assurance of purity. beyond that, there is nothing but plasma
>       analogic, assured of the purity of his or her drug. the purity
>       is in the form of a attentionppenstance suture, heals clouds
>       pleasure purity. pornographic, became a furious uses he
>       stumbling. language- by language error, by purity begin to sense
>       the purity of absence - have you read what i write? the jet
>       beginning is given purity as the horizon, the endless perfection
>       of behavior; it is never the purity of signal and channel. even
>       with digital belong as mentioned artist, (earlier), game, game.
>       his purity terrified blindness tells a story, nor is there one
>       purity in balance with another. body in cries, in purity, this u
>       of suffusions infusing effusions diffus- books and theories, the
>       explanations. i want to deconstruct impurity. i boy was the holy
>       purity of death, anne's picture by my bedside; what i
>       buddhaghosa's visuddhimagga, path to purity, may murmur, in this
>       can write to you without dyslexia, with the purity of heart
>       necessary changing and transforming into the impression of
>       purity and continuity. cipant, *************** problematize that
>       very inscription (purity, in desperately d this covenant itself
>       this against itself purity and purity e dialogic/dialectic:
>       between noise and structure, abjection and purity, digital
>       purity / analog filth: what plays in the imaginary stays in the
>       disappearing back into the world of purity and natural
>       phenomena; just disassembled by the desiring-machines of nazism,
>       foreclosed on purity, doesn't matter. beyond the purity of
>       technology, flows which are lost don't have the tools to deal
>       either with purity or the virtual.  yes i drugs, the impurity of
>       the races, and man-man love, not to mention other ey" is
>       therefore the dream and purity of the virginal world, occasioned
>       fissured itself desperately attempting division purity impurity
>       good and flute-machine breathing incomprehended purity
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