[NetBehaviour] sole to soul - a non pixelated mosaic of pixels?

ahanon aha at aharonic.net
Sun Jun 29 19:33:29 CEST 2014


Hope this finds you all well!

>From 01.07.14

If you are in berlin, come and check Sole to Soul. Linked to the Haus der
Kulturen der Welt (HKW) Emancipation as Navigation Summer school.

Bring a Sole perhaps?

If you happen to be in Istanbul till the 10th of July, pop in to the Mixer
gallery for Pixels of Identity by ArtExpo's curation, where Sole to Soul
will be performing its visual evolutions.

Indeed, if you are in neither of these fab cities, the blurb about Sole to
Soul and its evolving images are from:
more blurb:

..and if all these migrations are of pixeless emancipatory identity!

Cheers, all the best, and a perhapsical Ciao!



A non curational trajectory. A non curational range of frequencies. A non
curated mosaic. A mosaic of and by its own Being, a being that is,
ofcourse, open for curational approaches - however, in and of itself is
made by rhythms and sequences in time and space that are intrinsic to its
own processes, its own Being as a practice.

Mosaic as having to do with the Muse as the Muse has to do with the Music,
however the music is not a Museum - house of the muses - but linked to
another aspect of musements? In that sense, the museum might be curated,
and the muses' mosaics are made of combinations rather than arrangements,
of coordination between elements rather than by placement of priorities
and prior meanings. The mosaic as an Open sequence of visible frequencies
composed to a pattern which then, by being visibly, un-ashamed, by its
being-made-upness of variety and differences, may be re, de, un, non, and
indeed Not un made up in time.
Time space of the beats that made up the mosaic are slowed down by its
visual materials. If the mosaic was made by time space of sound/noise
material beats, its speed would be faster. The Muses of the mosaic, while
being rhythmical in timespace of their connectedness visually, are also
slowed down by that very materiality.
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