[NetBehaviour] Viola, Stockhausen, Infinite Space

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Oct 9 03:25:00 CEST 2014

The question of Cave audience is critical in a way. It's possible for five 
or six people to watch/participate at the same time, and larger caves have 
the potential for larger audiences of course. That will come. There are 
people working on exporting the whole environment using software that will 
permit viewers to use tablets, laptops, etc. If viewers use Oculus Rift or 
some such, they'd experience the 3d environment, only in front of them; 
there are people doing this already with virtual worlds. I can imagine a 
time shortly when augmented reality technology will permit a full-blown 
projection into the 'real world' as well. All of this, like virtual worlds 
themselves, are on the cusp of new development.

Foofwa danced in the Cave with Azure, and it was amazing. Soon. Whether or 
not I'll have access depends on 'the kindness of strangers,' since I'm not 
formally connected anywhere.

- Alan

On Wed, 8 Oct 2014, Johannes Birringer wrote:

> Dear Alan thanks for your replies. After reading you I realize that my 
> questions about vibration were too much influenced by working in dance 
> and theatre, forgetting how important, as you suggest, vibration and 
> oscillation has been in music and sound art; I suppose I got confused 
> initially when I was trying to imagine your experiene performing in the 
> cave space (immersed in the moving graphic projections too), and the 
> vibrations you recorded, and which I received as a hum on my left 
> channel (headphone), thus were no longer the vibrations you felt 
> resonating in space and your body. I remember now when Phill Niblock 
> came here to London and did a long drone concert, many of us were lying 
> on the floor to experience the sound as fully as possible, and now 
> (after we discussed Stockhausen, early and later work, such as 
> Oktophonie) one could wonder about the immersive experience of your 
> playing and whether one could imagine lying on and rolling into the 
> virtual space of the projections. I showed your slide of you playing the 
> viola in the cave to one of our sonic arts students who is investigating 
> participatory art, and she thought that the Cave looked large enough 
> perhaps for one-on-one performances, where you invite audience inside 
> (finite or infinite, cosmic or not, never mind; the "cosmic" one might 
> guess is a romantic delusion; heard an expression last night, which i 
> liked - "you're wired to the moon" - though probably meant as an insult 
> to say, you're a bit crazy.  Apologies also for chicano use of spanish 
> inside english).
> with regards
> Johannes Birringer

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