[NetBehaviour] FLOSS Manuals UK hub warm-up (change of time)

ahanon aha at aharonic.net
Thu Oct 16 21:03:17 CEST 2014

> We also wanted to ask if anyone was attending that might be able to do
> an audio stream from a laptop.
Not sure whether a rather old netbook could do..

What is the neoTime?

However, initially, read this as a call for a:
Here's the search.. (check the images, I think it brings a certain
spectrum, perhaps with its own frequency - eg. images todo with weddings,
kids, and abuse..)

Cheers and have much fun!


> We don't want to put people out by bringing in mikes and mixers, but we
> think that an open laptop might do a pretty good job and thought someone
> might be able to help.
> Let me know if so and I'll promote it to the international FLOSS Manuals
> community.
> nice one
> Mick
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