[NetBehaviour] update - self portrait on the edge

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Oct 19 05:44:37 CEST 2014

update - self portrait on the edge

$ grep happy texts/*.txt | wc
      615    7579   52027
$ grep sad texts/*.txt | wc
     1246   13125  100544
$ grep depress texts/*.txt | wc
      907    9390   76103
$ grep life texts/*.txt | wc
     6378   78392  563486
$ grep death texts/*.txt | wc
     7237   81186  588440
$ grep birth texts/*.txt | wc
     1840   14977  133161
$ grep love texts/*.txt | wc
     5311   63614  444504
$ grep hate texts/*.txt | wc
     1981   23835  172829
$ grep peace texts/*.txt | wc
      477    5140   37485
$ grep " war " texts/*.txt | wc
      780    9547   63741
$ grep suicide texts/*.txt | wc
      707    6791   52392
$ grep mother texts/*.txt | wc
     1289   15229  110099
$ grep father texts/*.txt | wc
     1113   12329   88325
$ grep annihilat texts/*.txt | wc
     1149   13133  106133
$ grep tortur texts/*.txt | wc
      546    4574   44096
$ grep hell texts/*.txt | wc
     2105   22525  161341
$ grep heaven texts/*.txt | wc
     1071   10380   74819
$ grep happiness texts/*.txt | wc
      151    1430   11226
$ grep misery texts/*.txt | wc
      325    3155   25080
$ grep anxiety texts/*.txt | wc
      164    1587   14039
$ grep wound texts/*.txt | wc
     3776   40644  311790
$ grep pain texts/*.txt | wc
     2528   29548  216028
$ grep -h sick texts/*.txt | wc
      904   10245   62184
$ grep -h health texts/*.txt | wc
      475    6693   40839

done Sat Oct 18 23:37:47 2014

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