[NetBehaviour] Fwd: <nettime-ann> Openhere in Dublin 14.11-16.11 2014

aharon aha at aharonic.net
Sun Oct 19 20:15:50 CEST 2014

Might interest some here?



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: *<nettime-ann> Openhere in Dublin 14.11-16.11 2014
Date: 17.10.2014 22:21
 From: Geert Lovink <geert at xs4all.nl>
To: AnnBot <nettime-ann at nettime.org>

 From: Rachel O' Dwyer <rachel.odwyer at GMAIL.COM>

Openhere 14.11-16.11 2014

3D printed goods, cryptocurrencies, digital sharing – just some of the 
disruptive online practices and technologies that are transforming and 
reshaping our economy. These innovative technologies have impacted the 
market, enabling new business models, evolving market conditions and 
transforming economic and social landscapes. However, the 
commodification and commercial adoption of these disruptive technologies 
has also raised concerns and questions in terms of access, control and 
sustainability. How can we develop these practices to not only support a 
digital commons, but also to support more equitable and sustainable 

Openhere is a 3-day international festival and conference where online 
practices such as sharing, peer-production and open source meet real 
world material economies. The program brings together researchers, 
artists, engineers and activists to critically engage alternative 
economic models and digital currencies, open source hardware and 
ecology, and new forms of peer production and sharing happening at the 
intersection of digital and real world spaces. Sessions include talks, 
panel discussions, workshops and screenings.

Participants include: Benjamin Tincq, Brett Scott, Cathal Garvey, 
Chelsea Rustrum, Denisa Kera, Duncan McCann, Eli Gothill, Gawin Dapper, 
Geraldine Juárez, Graham Barnes Kevin Flanagan, Lana Swartz, Linda 
Doyle, Lúí Smyth, Nigel Dodd, Nora O’ Murchú, Peter Hanappe, Rachel 
O’Dwyer, The Robin Hood Cooperative, Sean Cubitt, Vasilis Kostakis and 

Topics include: Alternative Currencies | Open Sourcing Finance | Open 
Hardware | Distributed Manufacturing | Open Source Ecology | Peer 
Production | Sharing Economies

For more information, program details and to book a place 

Openhere is a joint initiative of (CTVR) The Telecommunications Research 
Centre in collaboration with the Dublin Art and Technology Association 
(D.A.T.A) and is supported by the Science Gallery, Trinity College 

Rachel O'Dwyer
Editor in Chief of Interference A Journal of Audio Culture

Lecturer Department Computer Science
Dunlop Oriel House
Trinity College Dublin
01 8964243
085 7023779

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