[NetBehaviour] CfP: AISB Convention 2015 - Symposium on Music, Arts and Unconventional Computing

sobjekt at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 17:24:01 CET 2015

Dear all,

please consider submitting your paper or presentation for the *Symposium 
on Music, Arts and Unconventional Computing *at the *AISB Convention 
2015* organised by the /Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence 
and Simulation of Behaviour./ The 2015 Convention will be held at the 
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, from 20-22nd April 2015.

*Deadline paper submission: 15th February, 2015*

Art and life are driven by process. Science and computation are driven 
by results. Research into unconventional, or nature-inspired computing 
aims to uncover novel principles of efficient information processing and 
computation in physical, chemical and biological systems, to develop 
novel non-standard algorithms and computing architectures, and also to 
implement conventional algorithms in non-silicon, or wet substrates. 
Where is the boundary between animate and artificial, between real and 
imaginary in artistic works? How does art contribute to computation? 
Where is computation in life and arts? The workshop brings together 
topics of artificial intelligence, generative and audiovisual media, 
tangibility and interactivity, and bio-inspired algorithms. We invite 
artists, designers, scientists and engineers who create art works using 
chemical, physical and living computing substrates and artists coming 
from cutting-edge fields of research and art production that focuses on 
creating aesthetic experiences, interactive or collaborative aspects for 
visitors. We aim to bring together Renaissance epoch presenters: the 
scientists who are artists, and the artists who are inspired by 
computational sciences.

More details:

     Andrew Adamatzky (UWE, UK), http://uncomp.uwe.ac.uk/adamatzky/
     Eduardo Miranda (Plymouth Uni, UK),

     Theresa Schubert (Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany)
     Frederik De Wilde (Transmedia Brussels and University of Hasselt. 

Programme committee
     Martyn Amos, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
     Rachel Armstrong (UK)
     Tetsuya Asai (Univ of Hokkaido, Japan)
     Peter Beyls (St Lukas University College of Art and Design, Belgium)
     Tim Blackwel (Goldsmith College, UK)
     Edward Braund (University of Plymouth, UK)
     Cristian S. Calude (Univ of Auckland, New Zealand)
     Barry S. Cooper (Univ of Leeds, UK)
     Louis-Philippe Demers (France)
     Francesca Ferrando (Italy/US)
     Susanne Jaschko (Germany)
     Jeff Jones (UWE, Bristol, UK)
     Jim Gimzewski (UCLA, USA)
     Yukio Gunji (Univ of Kobe, Japan)
     Alexis Kirke (University of Plymouth, UK)
     Genaro Martinez (IPN, Mexico)
     Jon McCormack (Monash University, Australia)
     Jonathan W. Mills (Indiana University, USA)
     Gerhard Nierhaus (Univ für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Graz)
     Christiane Paul (Whitney Museum, US)
     Simon Park (Univ Surrey, UK)
     Ferdinand Peper (NICT, Japan)
     Vladimir Privman (Clarkson University, USA)
     Andrew Schumann (University of Information and Technology, Rzeszow, 
     Susan Stepney (University of York, UK)
     Yasuhiro Suzuki (Univ of Nagoya, Japan)
     Christof Teuscher (Portland State University, USA)
     Duncan Williams (University of Plymouth, UK)

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