[NetBehaviour] Fwd: Call for contributions: Creative Hubs in Question
dave miller
dave.miller.uk at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 16:33:01 CEST 2015
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From: Gill, Rosalind <Rosalind.Gill.2 at city.ac.uk>
Date: 5 October 2015 at 15:24
Subject: Call for contributions: Creative Hubs in Question
To: MECCSA at jiscmail.ac.uk
Dr Tarek Virani and I are putting together a book proposal for an edited
volume about ‘creative hubs’, developing out of our research as part of
AHRC’s Creativeworks London
The term ‘hub’ seems to be everywhere. Starting in and around 2003, the
growth and proliferation of these types of largely urban industrial
agglomeration has been exponential. From San Francisco to London to Moscow
to Durban to Hanoi to Shanghai, creative hubs are on the increase. But the
academic work on creative hubs is surprisingly scarce. Although the term is
currently in wide use in policy circles its actual meaning is not always
clear. The term has no commonly accepted definition and has been criticised
for lacking clarity as well as being ‘all encompassing’. Hubs have been
understood as co-working spaces, studios, incubators, accelerators,
districts, quarters, zones and/or a mix of all of the above. The lack of
clarity – let alone consensus - is especially troubling given that
policymakers, research councils, consultants, and governments have been so
quick to promote and endorse the effectiveness of creative hubs in
catalysing growth and innovation in local creative economies, as well as
producing urban regeneration.
We are looking for expressions of interest and abstracts for a book that
will look critically at the idea of ‘creative hubs’ from interdisciplinary
perspectives including Sociology, Geography, Media and Communications,
Culture and Creative Industries, Critical Policy studies, Gender studies,
Race and Ethnicity, and Urban Studies. Contributions may be empirical
studies of actual hubs, or may be theoretical reflections on the concept of
creative hubs. We are interested in what ‘creative hubs’ as a notion does
performatively/ideologically in particular (global/local) policy contexts;
we are interested in where ‘hubs’ are situated in relation to existing
ideas such as ‘clusters’ or ‘co-working spaces’; we are interested in
critically examining how hubs may intervene in geographies of inequality,
austerity and injustice; we are interested to explore how the concept of
creative hubs travels and materialises in different contexts, and in
exploring how ‘creative hubs’ may relate to ‘knowledge hubs’ or ‘innovation
spaces’ – either as an idea or in concrete locations. Above all we hope the
volume will start a critical conversation that interrogates the
taken-for-grantedness of ‘creative hubs’.
We have approached Palgrave who have expressed interest in considering such
a volume. If you are interested in contributing, please send an abstract
to Rosalind.Gill.2 at city.ac.uk by November 13th 2015. If accepted, final
drafts of chapters will be needed by November 2016.
Rosalind Gill
Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis
Room D610
School of Arts and Social Sciences
City University London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
rosalind.gill.2 at city.ac.uk
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