[NetBehaviour] Not quite so dismal

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Sep 3 05:45:11 CEST 2015

How do you go about doing that? As you know there was a huge amount of 
activity of this sort in the 60s-80s US and it vanished; there's nothing - 
now - to take control of - those spaces are abject and fractal and not 
amenable to control from within or without - look at for example how Trump 
has penetrated, fragmented electorates, even Fox news itself -

- Alan

On Thu, 3 Sep 2015, Randall Packer wrote:

> Hi Dave? I would like to add that there is always the proactive strategy:
> form your own artist-driven government agency; and create your own
> artist-driven media. As media artists, we have access to the same techniques
> and tools of propaganda as the mass media, and in most cases we are more
> adept and nuanced in their use. So I say, we should do what we can to take
> command of the social and political spaces that are governed & controlled by
> the powers that be and make them our own. 
> I.E.: http://zakros.com/projects/usdat/
> Best,
> Randall
> From: <netbehaviour-bounces at netbehaviour.org> on behalf of dave miller
> Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> Date: Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 2:50 AM
> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Not quite so dismal
> Thanks Edward. That's really encouraging to see. Glad finally people are
> speaking out. When government and news media control the discussion we get a
> really unrepresentative picture.
> Ana I totally agree we have to get to rid of these people - and particularly
> the bankers.
> On 2 Sep 2015 18:53, "Edward" <edward at edwardpicot.com> wrote:
>       I've just spent a few minutes looking at the Avaaz
>       petition/volunteer page on the subject of the refugee crisis:
>       https://secure.avaaz.org/en/uk_refugees_volunteer_thank_you_3/
>       There are new comments arriving every few seconds. People are
>       calling on the UK Government to change its stance and
>       volunteering
>       to help, in many cases volunteering to give house-space to
>       refugees. I think the government have misjudged the public mood
>       on
>       this one.
>       - Edward
>       --
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