[NetBehaviour] dismal news

Randall Packer rpacker at zakros.com
Sat Sep 5 18:59:09 CEST 2015

"and relational aesthetics and mediation, interventionist art & good intentions, well. well.”

Johannes, briefly: It would be a very sad world indeed if we underestimate the power of art to alter and transform the human spirit. Just because you can’t liberate refugees from the camps doesn’t mean you should idly sit by and give up all hope. For change begins in every act we make that resonates in other minds and ripples through the social sphere in ways you can never predict. 

All we have is our intentions, our hopes and dreams: once we give that up we’re dead.  

On 9/3/15, 7:31 PM, "Johannes Birringer" <netbehaviour-bounces at netbehaviour.org on behalf of Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk> wrote:

>and relational aesthetics and mediation, interventionist art & good intentions, well. well.

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