[NetBehaviour] Call for applications | Facts and Fictions in the Age of Data: Art, Technology, and Data Visualisation

Claudine Chen mungbean at posteo.de
Thu Sep 17 16:20:44 CEST 2015

School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe is excited to announce 'Facts 
and Fictions in the Age of Data: Art, Technology, and Data 
Visualisation', an exploration at the intersection of technology, art, 
design and human connection.

PROGRAM DATES: 2 November - 27 November 2015
Application deadline: 27 September 2015

How can we create meaningful experiences using data to explore the facts 
and fictions of our modern-day lives? How can a thoughtful and more 
personal exploration of data visualisation and storytelling provide us 
new ways of understanding the world around us and ourselves?

Well-known professionals in the field of data visualisation will lead 
intensive workshops over a four week period in Berlin, Germany. From 
concept to sketching, using various data-collection techniques, working 
with data-sets and crafting stories from them, we’ll provide a unique 
and in-depth opportunity to learn the fundamentals of this new and 
emerging field. Final exhibition of work to be shown in Berlin.

To learn more, ask questions and submit an application, visit 
http://schoolofma.org <http://schoolofma.org/>.
School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe, Berlin, Germany
info at schoolofma.org <mailto:info at schoolofma.org>
schoolofma.org <http://schoolofma.org/>
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