[NetBehaviour] "Objects of Art"

Pall Thayer pallthay at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 17:33:20 CEST 2015

So I finally finished the site for this project. But I'm a little
conflicted about one thing. It would be nice to allow visitors to save
their altered codes on the site and make them available to all. However,
I'm worried that it will get over-used. I.e. someone comes along, makes one
small change, saves it, then makes another small change, saves it, ad
infinitum. I'm thinking that I could curate it. That is, only keep the good
ones but that's going to make a lot of work for me. I'm interested in
hearing what others think about this. Do you think that allowing visitors
to save and make all available would make for a considerable enhancement to
the project?

Best r.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 11:06 AM Pall Thayer <pallthay at gmail.com> wrote:

> http://pallthayer.dyndns.org/objectsofart
> --
> P Thayer, Artist
> http://pallthayer.dyndns.org
P Thayer, Artist
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