[NetBehaviour] Barriers to women's involvement in hackspaces and makerspaces

Jake Harries jakeharries at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 18:17:15 CEST 2015

Klick Event - “Barriers to women's involvement in hackspaces and
makerspaces” -  presentation by Dr. Jen Lewis

You are invited to a special event Access Space is hosting on the subject
of engaging women with science and technology.

Friday 9 October 2015, 7.30-9.00 pm. Access Space, 3-7 Sidney St,
Sheffield, S1 4RG, UK

This event concludes a study led by the University of Sheffield in
collaboration with Sheffield’s social enterprise, Access Space, to identify
and tackle obstacles to women's involvement in technological advancement
and skill acquisition initiatives.

It will feature a talk by Dr. Jen Lewis (Science Grrl) reporting study
findings (“Barriers to women's involvement in hackspaces and makerspaces”),
followed by informal discussions involving technology inspired art groups,
and a showcase of the work and strategy of Access Space.

Refreshments will be provided.

If you would like to attend or for more info please contact Jake Harries
(Creative Producer)
E: jake at access-space.org
T: 0114 249 5522

This is one of a series of ten "Klick" events over the next year hosted by
Access Space for technologists, programmers and artists who are interested
in new technology, its creative uses, and in finding others to collaborate
with to explore new horizons.

Klick Events are planned for
2015 - Tuesday 17 November, Tuesday 8 December
2016 - Tuesday 19 January, Tuesday 6 February, Tuesday 2 March, Tuesday 12
Look out for more info nearer the times.


All the best

Jake Harries, Creative Producer
www.access-space.org  +44(0)114 249 5522
@accessspace facebook.com/accessspace
3-7 Sidney St, Sheffield, S1 4RG, UK
jake at access-space.org
The arts programme at Access Space is supported
using public funding by Arts Council England
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