[NetBehaviour] 'We Need to Talk About Accelerationism' debate on Netbehaviour & Neterarti starting Thursday 21st April////////////////

marc garrett marc.garrett2 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 17:09:46 CEST 2016

Hi Jonathon,

Thank you for that info -- in fact, Daniel Rourke is part of this
discussion but not on this list - he will be doing his bit with some others
on the Neterarti social media platform instead ;-)

Wishing you well.


On 21 April 2016 at 14:00, jk <j at xxn.org.uk> wrote:

> In a slightly tangential relation to this discussion as part of the next
> EvenSalon: Either/Or on Sat. 30th at the Apiary in London we have two
> participants involved in arguments around Accelerationism.
> Themed around Either/Or we're delighted to have presentations from David
> Cunningham of the Radical Philosophy collective/Univ. of Westminster, who
> wrote on 'Accelerationism and its discontents' and Daniel Rourke,
> co-founder of the Additivism Manifesto.
> Full line up and details:
> http://www.apiarystudios.org/2016/04/even-salon-eitheror/
> http://even.org.uk/?even-salon-either-or/
> Thanks
> Jonathan
> On 21/04/16 10:33, ruth catlow wrote:
> Hi Netbehaviourists,
> Welcome to the first day of 'We Need to Talk About Accelerationism' a
> month of art, discussion and exchange here on Netbehaviour and Neterarti (
> https://neterarti.furtherfield.org) (drop me a line if you need an
> invitation to Neterarti- it's invitation only at the moment to keep the
> spam at the gates).
> Our idea is that in depth discussion can take place here, and that
> Neterarti provides the perfect platform for pithy punchy accelerationist
> performance.
> Here is more info about why we think this is a worthwhile endeavour- along
> with some context and readings.
> http://www.furtherfield.org/programmes/event/we-need-talk-about-accelerationism-0
> This recent article by Rob Myers, is helpful in that it concisely points
> to different uses of, and contexts for, the term 'Accelerationism' along
> with a commentary about its relevance to emancipatory practices in
> contemporary art .
> http://www.furtherfield.org/features/articles/accelerationist-art
> As Marc said before, lots of people will have different ideas about what
> Accelerationism means to them and this is one of the reasons for this
> discussion taking place.
> Everyone is welcome to join in however makes sense to them.
> Let's go!
> Respect!
> Ruth
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> Dr Jonathan Kemphttp://xxn.org.uk http://crystalworld.org.uk/http://www.freshsent.info/crystal
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Marc Garrett
Co-Founder, Co-Director and main editor of Furtherfield.

Furtherfield - A living, breathing, thriving network
http://www.furtherfield.org - for art, technology and social change since

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