[NetBehaviour] Accelerationism

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Apr 24 21:07:14 CEST 2016

sounds good to me, the idea of unmastery resonates -

thanks -

On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, John Hopkins wrote:

>> "21. We declare that only a Promethean politics of maximal mastery over
>> society and its environment is capable of either dealing with global
> ...snip...
>> it discovers only in the course of its acting, in a politics of geosocial
>> artistry and cunning rationality. A form of abductive experimentation that
>> seeks the best means to act in a complex world."
> Good excerpt -- I couldn't manage the patience to drive through that whole 
> manifesto -- I feel the answers do not need such bloviating -- & anyway, I've 
> got to work on my water-harvesting landscaping, prune my grape vines, and 
> turn my worm farm :-)
> What is said there, I've been writing into a practice-based curriculum at 
> http://ecosa.org -- the idea of systems-thinking approaches to holistic 
> un-mastery of the biosphere that we are merely transitory parts of. I 
> fundamentally do not like the concept of design, though, as it pre-supposes 
> changing that which flows around us. Maybe an adaptive, consciousness-raised 
> going-with-the-flow ... sensual improvisation that would include, perhaps, 
> the removal of our selves from living viability. If this approach was 
> wide-scale enough, the population drop would start the process of a 
> post-human re-balancing of the planet's dynamic equilibrium.
> jh
> -- 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
> grounded on a granite batholith
> twitter: @neoscenes
> http://tech-no-mad.net/blog/
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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