[NetBehaviour] purgatory oud, process

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Aug 9 15:00:36 CEST 2016

purgatory oud, process

http://www.alansondheim.org/retablo.jpg (1)
http://www.alansondheim.org/purgatoryprocess.mp3 (2)
http://www.alansondheim.org/purgatory.mp3 (3) --> (2)

( (3), purgatory.mp3, for oud solo itself )

punctumgif punish puppet& puppettheater pure purebody purgatory
purgatoryb purge purification purity in purgatory together...
hope so...  i always thi i am so close to coming purgatory in
purgatory together... hope so...  i always thi i am so close
purgatory.................... purgatory.................
skews ..........over....................
purgatory.................... dour................. hobgoblin

And: harrowed hell hastened homeward, hoarsely hollered hooray.
Hell with the birds, how was I supposed to know the real hint
of a problem with this, social engineering, causeways to hell
and beyond the space of the proscenium, meaning. but then, the
shell ... yes, All for the hell of it." the old/: lag gone to
+60 seconds/letter: get the hell out: this future writes
about the hell of writing because she always has to decide
least, _cool,_ and way the hell out of reach. I'm ashamed - not
truth. "Don't there" "I'm lawyer, shut." hell job? How in hell
am I to get another teaching job? I've been getting physically
offensive defense is division, war hell death casualties torture
terrorism Scan the profile of the sphere; is beneath my hell
Scan the perfect bod i will dream of these and wont dream of her
shell be sorry it fills the gaps or holes in the shell (the
pores) - our shell and our holding on with the materiality of
words stuff - I have no idea who the hell thse people are? wanna
see a edge and you may look over the edge. You may see the shell
of the world or had a hell of a time finding all the pieces. It
probably is from that. bandwith. The hell with it! helixbas hell
helll hellll hello hellome hellomeb shehnaiday shehnainight
shelf shell turtlero turtleromp turtles turtletimeshell
tusenvpdf tustin for example, have any chances of survival.
Creativity has gone to hell anyway the hell with the key. Morse
could wait. Ships were sunk at sea for less. oh hell i'm not
fooling anybody!

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