[NetBehaviour] ergonauts ergo knots ergo not
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Sat Aug 20 17:21:38 CEST 2016
ergonauts ergo knots ergo not
for Gerald Jones +++
let us consider the decays and reconstitutions of the neutral
kaon: "Prior to 1964, it was believed that all fundamental
interactions conserved the charge conjugation-parity,
abbreviated _CP,_ of a physical system. In 1964 a kaon decay
experiment discovered otherwise. That experiment found that a
particular type of kaon decay that should have been forbidden by
the principle of _CP_ conservation actually takes place, albeit
...and all of these spaces or projects are ergodic texts, in the
sense of Descartes - cogito, ergo, sum; think of "summate"
interface. in the past, prostheses were ergonomic. now we should
> shape. the project will take a clear look at the "visual
ergonomics" of the "summate" interface. in the past, prostheses
were ergonomic. now we should > shape them: consider ergot for
example, as an ergodic phenomenon, or, for that matter, for
example, all the quasi-mobile forms classified under the fungi.
am I still in here? there's still space and potentially a
position? there's a position for me? consider this _the vocation
of the fungi._
anything, not even the split between among fungi and some fungi
"my words are already tainted with slime-mold, fungi, my eyes
bear no Island, distracted by fungi, puffball distracted by
fungi." On a birding trip through Staten Island, distracted by
fungi, puffball Shapelessness, fungi, slimemolds and rewriting
tree of life amherstfungi amicus amidha amir and some fauna,
fungi, and so forth are indicated by shape and attack from fungi
or nematodes. last year we saw 11 blue Maybe bacterial fungi,
airings, bacterial sending roots upwards blank space and
formless space, fungi - clear my mind, searching for fungi,
birding, etc. when I have a chance. closure - ex-caliber. Unsure
shapelessness, fungi, slimemolds coral fungi as well, as well as
slimes, rots dead plants, fungi, organisms everywhere,
suppurations. on wet design, not fungi, morality On a birding
trip through Staten distracted by fungi, puffball minor-problems
in everywhere, plants and animals, fungi and archaea, are
ex-caliber. Unsure numerous crown coral fungi* perhaps under
example looks like it just emerged from the slime fungi and
fauna, fungi, and so forth are indicated by shape and design,
not first-last of the fungi cavern, slime mold. The largest
life-forms are fungal nets beneath the soil in fungi and
footprints both, astonishing slime, fungi and scrabbled text
first-last of the fungi cavern, slime fungi are older than they
are fungi* scale, with rust, with fungus, with lichen:
bacteriality fungi, Revolutionary War trail, morality fungi, and
bacterial fungi, airings, bacterial sending roots upwards fungi,
my eyes bear no coral fungi as well, as well as slimes, fungi,
puffball fungus 2 reveal her bare thighs selfishness the
ground-swell waters and fungi, bacterial airings, mt:fungi, and
less, fungible atoms, open to manipulation, and without magic
certain amount of fungi are older than they are fungi mirrored
by fungi down here where we live and die. It's easy not
mountains carried avenging angel fungi. spores fell in the
glittering mt:fungi, and bacterial fungi, airings, bacterial
sending roots upwards networking, mirrored by fungi down here
where we live and die. numerous crown coral fungi* ocean
lagoon.\ under attack fungi nematodes. year we perhaps of
chitons, Western kingbirds, fungi, old-growth forests, of the
worlds Shapelessness, fungi, slimemolds and rewriting pant pipe
file caress ocean lagoon.\ under attack fungi nematodes. year we
perhaps under attack from fungi or nematodes. last year we saw
11 blue plants and animals, fungi and archaea, restore, and with
plants animals, fungi archaea, dying, oceans mountains, iceberg
plants, fungi, organisms everywhere, suppurations. shapeless-
ness, fungi, slimemolds rewriting tree . slightly earlier.
fungi and footprints both, astonishing slime, slime first-last
of the fungi cavern, slime mold, most of the slime-mold, fungi,
my eyes bear no The largest life-forms are smallworldmurmur
shapelessness, fungi, slimemolds and rewriting strands, slime
anything, not even the split between among fungi strands, slime
mold mountains carried avenging angel fungi. tainted with
slime-mold, fungi, my eyes bear no fungi, and thanks. fungi
follow exhausted emerges the fields of rotting animals, dead
plants, fungi, organisms the upper coral fungi as well, as well
as slimes, rots fungus.) through Staten Island, distracted by
fungi, puffball tree of life shapelessness, fungi, slimemolds
rewriting tree . under attack from fungi or nematodes. last
year we saw 11 blue \ will against the fields of rotting
animals, dead plants, fungi, with a knife less, fungible atoms,
and open to manipulation.
still in here, as my friend, now passed on Gerald Jones says,
'still tap-dancing on the mean streets,' still here -
they repeat themselves, they're still here, each repetition is
utterly different, each a commons or transmission, each
identical to the other, each the other to identity.
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