[NetBehaviour] Elegy For Soccer

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Fri Aug 26 15:23:36 CEST 2016

Elegy For Soccer

http://www.alansondheim.org/played.mp4 (please use earphones)

I watch too much soccer, Bolivia beaten by Brazil in America. I
finally understand football (soccer) offsides. Went with Azure
soaksuck soblung socalb socalespeak soccer soccervlf sochipdf
hurt lot slide hugething virgin kitty???  hooter "soccer mommy"
mini-van soccer dreaming always girlfriend!headed Not always,
but almost always, avatars are smaller than one's physical body,
or appear so. And one's viewpoint is not always, but almost
always, above and behind the avatar, slightly raised - as if
one's watching a soccer game, which for a spectator can be
senseless from a ground-based camera. I think this kind of
miniaturization tends towards a maternal reading of the world, a
reading within which the image on the screen forms a safe
matrix; after all, the computer goes on and off, games and
software are replaced or updated, and both the world and you go
on. So here's this safe world, and -jectivity or what one might
call the '-jectivity-braid' - the braid of psychoanalytic
renderings, readings and writings, introjections and
projections, dreamings and hallucinatings, all before or within
and without the screen - this braid is taken for granted; it's
the safe-house of the world, transforming the world and the true
world into a habitus. As a result of peering and miniaturization
among other things. And the ability to chat and keep or erase
chat. And the ability to fly or teletransport, playing into
Freud's condensation/displacement in the dreamwork. Second Life
is a pun in this regard - one place quickly substituted for
another, and such substitutions revolutionary or disrupting as
one landscape disappears, another appears - perhaps throwing
everything off but just for a (very safe) moment. It's the
safety in punning that makes them revolutionary, and the same
safety occurs in relation and through the braid. So again, when
Gaz takes a meta-position in relation to this relation, when Gaz
appears apparently half-in and half-out of the gamespace, the
disruptive becomes difficult to absorb, becomes something that
doesn't happen in the real (except perhaps with sado-masochism
and the use of safewords which break out of one theater into
another). It's a contradiction which can't be absorbed. And to
return to one's "own" avatar body after Gaz' distortion, one
logs out of Second Life - in other words out of the fundamental
world, what is being the fundamental world - into another world
with its real dangers, etc. - the world of the inert or
'idiotic' real (Rosset). exterior scans at bretz coke ovens,
persona rapid transit (in motion), soccer fields foofwa and
soccer (edge phenomena, dancesport, etc.) soccer game, which for
a spectator can be senseless from a ground-based soccer fields
foofwa and soccer (edge phenomena, dancesport, etc.) soccer high
that it disappears, just as soccer for example, as rule-laden as
it lust.mud.programming soccer.news.crime lust.fan.courtneylove
lust.panties.talk.haven lust.cybercafes lust.culture.www
soccer.world soccer.world.mideast+africa land, so I will give an
example of a soccer ball poised precisely my soccer boots, my
own time, freedom, a girl i had a crush on in 1989, my subbuteo
table soccer sets, my love for Arsenal FC, my creativity, my
extended goal-shot, as in the long-shot of a soccer game,
waiting for attachments. I watched too much soccer, Bolivia
beaten by Brazil in America. I finally understand football
(soccer) offsides. Went with Azure watching a soccer game, for
example, with a slightly dark neutral density soccer game, which
for a spectator can be senseless from a ground-based Release
scan SHOW soccer playing of a football (soccer) game,
recapitulating the game in every high that it disappears, just
as soccer for example, as rule-laden as it soccer micro-actions
_towards_ goal, train.) _signifying variation soccer fields
soccer game, which for a spectator can be senseless from a
ground-based I finally understand soccer offsides. Went with
Azure already brown tell hurt lot slide hugething virgin
kitty???  hooter "soccer mommy" ownexclusive slave?  tit
stepson!secret desires? tittied mini-van soccer for those
crucified for playing soccer watch and that good, soccer and
that and when when that something good, good, of field soccer
the playing playing watch When Im home, Ill often have soccer on
in the background; Im a Barcelona extended goal-shot, as in the
long-shot of a soccer game, waiting for ~ the game

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