[NetBehaviour] Cover version/The Girl from the North Country

Michael Szpakowski szpako at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 31 14:53:50 CEST 2016

Hi Edward
I'm glad I led you into fun pastures! My personal favourite version is the Dylan /Cash duet on Nashville Skyline which is a masterpiece of compressed and austere smoulder. That was in my head when I made my version, which I'm delighted you like!warmest wishesmichael

      From: Edward Picot <julian.lesaux at gmail.com>
 To: netbehaviour <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org> 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:54 PM
 Subject: [NetBehaviour] Cover version/The Girl from the North Country

I've been meaning to post a comment about this - beautifully restrained 
arrangement! It also sent me back to Dylan's original, then to a recent 
(2012) version of the song by Neil Young, and then to Neil Young's live 
rendition of Heart of Gold, which is priceless. That's what I call a 
well-spent forty-odd minutes.

- Edward

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