[NetBehaviour] satori

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Jan 11 18:00:35 CET 2016



rain, shakuhachi, rain

koan, SATORI, etc. in relation to edge -
over the wires, never SATORI-boyve does
altcrazy-SATORI-dog- petals, bodies rage
vana or SATORI, there are desolate plain
koan, SATORI, etc. in relation to edge -
= safewords = Sagdish = samadhi = SATORI
hold them hard, and for an instant, sato
Suddenly: Zen, SATORI! Knows all. Kon kn
have SATORI or another big dilemma, but
I avoid SATORI like hell, I don't wanna
closed eyes refusing the visible world.
that I've hardly reached SATORI, me, Dai
of SATORI, what need have I of koan, zaz
I've had thousands of SATORIs a day, mil
sun in the Now that w that I've of sator
koan, SATORI, etc. in relation to edge -
results in inward-seeking, SATORI flight
SATORI-boyve does the suicide_emotion of
protolanguage qbasic realspace rebirths
rills RNA rotifera runnels Sagdish sator
Or the performative is that of kenji sir
---------\^/ accumulate/g' -------\./ sa
ontologies SATORI http introjections ent
rearticulation reinscribed rills regimen
romola rotifera sed rotifera seamount se
reinscription releasement rills RNA romo
koan, SATORI, etc. in relation to edge -
runnels, the SATORI of sawgrass, the sea
evil aum bardo more SATORIs ---^ lotus l
ial - rotifera - latinate - extinctions
closed eyes refusing the visible world.
ity shakuhachi Sagdish yamabushi filmsto
rills RNA rotifera runnels Sagdish sator
sac saccadic sado safewords Sagdish sato
evil aum bardo more SATORIs ---^ lotus l
rotifera RSS runnels sac saccadic sado s
i do have it you fall over the clif refu
salt same samsara sand sandy SATORI satu
safewords = Sagdish = samadhi = SATORI =
SATORI-boyve does the humming_emotion of
SATORI-boyve does the suicide_emotion of
runnels sac saccadic sado safewords Sagd
abyss AHHH evil aum bardo more SATORIs -
women hearing evil aum bardo more SATORI
over the wires, never SATORI-boyve does
altcrazy-SATORI-dog- petals, bodies rage
wires, SATORI-boyve suicide_emotion dog_
---------\^/ accumulate/g' -------\./ sa
> SATORI-boyve does the suicide_emotion o
koan, SATORI, etc. in relation to edge -
koan, SATORI, etc. in relation to edge -
runnels, the SATORI of sawgrass, the sea
Satori's for those who can afford it, me
Satori's f I've had t thrown abo you bet
Permanent Milky Satori of Nikuko I know
Permanent Milky Satori contradictions, d

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