[NetBehaviour] Join Neterarti - it's like twitter but for art.

Rob Myers rob at robmyers.org
Fri Jan 22 02:44:54 CET 2016

On 2016-01-21 10:20, aharon wrote:
> On Thu, January 21, 2016 17:50, helen varley jamieson wrote:
>> following people is a bit unintuitive; isn't there a way to follow 
>> someone
>> from a post?
> Hi,
> just an idea. perhpas adding the quitter theme could make the interface
> more twitter-like/familiar..?
> https://github.com/hannesmannerheim/neo-quitter

If it's the one used at - https://quitter.se/robmyers

What do people think?

- Rob.

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