[NetBehaviour] for Ossi Oswalda, +/- 2005 - 1/25/2016
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Tue Jan 26 20:07:01 CET 2016
thank you, i don't know why, but i respond to, what for me is, tragedy, it
brings out a hope i can do something worthwhile, other than my usual
defensive/comedia routines... that ending just happened in real time,
suddenly there were sirens outside the place, emergencies of the living
- alan
On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Paul Hertz wrote:
> Listened to these musics, phone in one hand propped up on the other elbow
> with the cat Serafino shored up against me. Especially taken with the ending
> of the elegy, music opening up to let in the world, its sirens, and
> returning.
> peace,
> -- Paul
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
> Ossi Oswalda, +/- 2005 - 1/25/2016
> http://www.alansondheim.org/ossinow1.jpg
> Ossi, sleeping, about a year ago
> http://www.alansondheim.org/elegyforossi.mp3
> http://www.alansondheim.org/preludeforossi.mp3
> 2 qin on the elegy, slightly detuned
> they are coming together of their own accord
> qing qin on the prelude
> This morning, we had to put our companion cat, Ossi Oswalda,
> down; she was fading rapidly and we were worried she was on the
> verge of catastrophic failure. She had been with us for eight
> years, had been unwanted, and when she joined us, she was
> already three years old, very sick, and fierce. For the first
> seven years with us, she slept alone; just this past year, she
> joined us on the bed. She never, until today, sat or lay on our
> laps; today, before the procedures which put her to permanent
> sleep and peacefulness, she lay down on Azure's lap for the
> first time.
> We are bereft, beside ourselves; she was a deep and fundamental
> member of our family, and she remade the architecture of our
> place to her own liking, a remaking that changed faster than our
> own placements. Her sounds, while we slept, formed the basis of
> our sleep; her presence provided a mobile punctum which moved
> constantly. She died young, of kidney failure, possibly cancer,
> heart murmur, diabetes, and possibly stroke, but she had a good
> life with us. I'm always amazed at the worlding of organisms,
> from humans all the way across the great disks of lifeforms, and
> Ossi opened up new and whole ways of thinking, movement, and
> structure for us. We miss her, we miss ourselves, and what we
> can say is that she went peacefully, and without pain, and her
> pain was growing as she slowly, then quickly, was giving out.
> Last night was the last night she slept with us, we were already
> in mourning and those inclement regions of darkness which will
> swallow us all.
> Rest in peace, Ossi.
> For her namesake, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ossi_Oswalda
> Thank you for reading, if you have the time, please listen to
> the elegy and prelude.
> - Alan and Azure
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> ----- |(*,+,#,=)(#,=,*,+)(=,#,+,*)(+,*,=,#)| ---
> http://paulhertz.net/
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