June 2016 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Jun 1 01:08:06 CEST 2016
Ending: Thu Jun 30 16:27:51 CEST 2016
Messages: 86
- [NetBehaviour] 24.6. NOME opens Joris Strijbos' latest solo show "Oscillations"
NOME | Press
- [NetBehaviour] a
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
Gretta Louw
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
Gretta Louw
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
Patrick Lichty
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
John Hopkins
- [NetBehaviour] About hosting Networking the Unseen exhibition at Furtherfield
Gretta Louw
- [NetBehaviour] A conversation on Netbehaviour about implications of Brexit
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] A conversation on Netbehaviour about implications of Brexit
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] A conversation on Netbehaviour about implications of Brexit
rinus van alebeek
- [NetBehaviour] A conversation on Netbehaviour about implications of Brexit
Steven Ball
- [NetBehaviour] a night's stroll and strolling music
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Big Data Synthetics (BDS)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] bodhis for sail
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Book Free tickets for Liliane Lijn's Power Game- 7pm tonight at Southbank Centre
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] DEEP CABLES: Uncovering the Wiring of the World, June 17-18, Berlin
Tatiana Bazzichelli
- [NetBehaviour] Digital Pop | Review of the 12th Athens Digital Arts Festival
- [NetBehaviour] Digital Thresholds: from Information to Agency- Daniel Rourke at Tate
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Early Man
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] EARTH LAB: co-production by the Polytechnic Museum and Ars Electronica Center
Natalia Fuchs
- [NetBehaviour] Find art and music here
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] Friday night performance, Azure Carter and Alan Sondheim, ELO
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Friday night performance, Azure Carter and Alan Sondheim, ELO
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] Friday night performance, Azure Carter and Alan Sondheim, ELO
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Fwd: [THF] THF! 2016 Third TransHackFeminist /Troisième rencontre TransHackFeminist / Tercer Encuentro TransHackFeminista
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] Fwd: Digital Art Commission, Brighton Digital Festival
Julian Le Saux
- [NetBehaviour] giraffe banjorette
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Hawk
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Hawk
John Hopkins
- [NetBehaviour] Hawk
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Improvisation & transformative processes: A participatory research salon @TINSalons
Peter Gomes
- [NetBehaviour] Improvisation & transformative processes: research workshop
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] IP Theory and Practice for Art & Activism workshop June 10
Martin Zeilinger
- [NetBehaviour] Julian Rosefeldt`s Manifesto
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
Michael Gurstein
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: Possibilities?
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: Possibilities?
donna kuhn
- [NetBehaviour] La Cura: possibilities?
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] largest chiton species in the world
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Listening to the Quin
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Listening to the Quin
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Live algorithmic music stream tomorrow (Tues 21 June)
Alex McLean
- [NetBehaviour] looking foer a floos aware intern
larisa blazic
- [NetBehaviour] looking for a someone doing digital/eletronic sound!
- [NetBehaviour] Modern Misery
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] my philosophy in a nutshell
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] My Talk at DHSI, University of Victoria, Tomorrow, Please come if you can!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] OCP: PIKSEL16 :: ZERO-Level -- deadline extended until July 15!!
Piksel Infobot
- [NetBehaviour] on the road - twin peaks
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Open Call: PIKSEL16 :: ZERO-Level -- deadline June 30!!
Piksel Infobot
- [NetBehaviour] Opening event: Building the Bridge between Science and Art CAS Lecture | Morphogenetic Creations by Andy Lomas
Irini Papadimitriou
- [NetBehaviour] our trip so far!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] OUT at the WAG the 2nd performance by Michael Andrews . May 19 - July 19 2016.
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] Playing with Meditative Fire
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] poetics, note
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Polytech.Science.Art INTERWEAVE
Natalia Fuchs
- [NetBehaviour] Post "Conjouring 2"
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] reSense: Call For Proposals @ Spektrum Berlin
- [NetBehaviour] Review of exhibition ‘As Rights Go By’.
- [NetBehaviour] Review of Gerald Raunig's latest book 'Dividuum’.
- [NetBehaviour] Seapunk piece?
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] speaking of network things
John Hopkins
- [NetBehaviour] speaking of network things
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] speaking of network things
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Talking Domains
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] The Critical Atlas of the Internet
- [NetBehaviour] The Critical Atlas of the Internet
- [NetBehaviour] The Great British Artists EU Referendum Debate. Tomorrow 13.00-15.00 BST on Twitter
Joseph Young
- [NetBehaviour] the slow
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] the wedge
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] thru you
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] twilights and shootings
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] variations on a theme
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Who Saved the Web?
Maria Farràs
- [NetBehaviour] zed
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] 聽琴圖 (listening to the qin), after Zhao Ji
Michael Szpakowski
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 16:27:51 CEST 2016
Archived on: Sat Jan 18 01:35:16 CET 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).