[NetBehaviour] "If nature is unjust, change nature!" Re: Accelerationism

AGF poemproducer agf at poemproducer.com
Tue May 3 16:16:35 CEST 2016

I think these women mostly refer to not becoming mothers
put workforce into something else
and not reproducing and not bearing children

as far as i understand

i think in fact it could benefit nature also

just if we think we are not nature

which i think we are actually
and i lobve my child moe than anything in the world

my fav part is when Paul Stamets says 
that earth invented the internet so it can safe itself
http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_stamets_on_6_ways_mushrooms_can_save_the_world <http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_stamets_on_6_ways_mushrooms_can_save_the_world>

so … its techno FEMINISM

so does not refer to men’s actions

but to womens control i think


> On 03 May 2016, at 17:07, Tom Kohut <thenewennui at gmail.com> wrote:
> While there are obviously damaging changes to "nature" (as though the meaning of that terms was obvious and univocal), not all "changing nature" is morally wrong, surely. (The eradication of smallpox, for example, seems to me to be an unambiguously good and progressive action). 
> Tom
> Sent from my iPad
>> On May 3, 2016, at 8:38 AM, Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>> agree. we _are_ changing nature at an increasingly accelerated rate.
>> the damage is irreversible.
>> - alan
>>> On Tue, 3 May 2016, Annie Abrahams wrote:
>>> for me it seems as if you are all dreaming
>>> please smile at your neighbour in the morning
>>> Annie
>>> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:59 PM, ruth catlow <ruth.catlow at furtherfield.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>     This all rather got away from me this week :-(
>>>     Every post is bursting with so much juice.
>>>     But this is a cause for great cheer!
>>>     ----
>>>     and a Promethean feminism:
>>>     "In the name of feminism, 'Nature' shall no longer be a refuge
>>>     of injustice, or a basis for any political justification
>>>     whatsoever!
>>>     If nature is unjust, change nature!"
>>>     (Xenofeminist music is a thing:
>>>     https://soundcloud.com/yoneda-lemma/sets/d-n-e )
>>>     ----
>>>     Thank you all for everything so far.
>>>     :)
>>>     Ruth
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