[NetBehaviour] contesting/contexting SPORT 2016: Interview with Zeljko Blace

furtherfield furtherfielder at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 18:26:39 CEST 2016

contesting/contexting SPORT 2016: Interview with Zeljko Blace

Josephine Bosma interviews Zeljko Blace on his involvement in the
exhibition and program 'contesting/contexting SPORT 2016' and discusses how
it contests the field of SPORT through critical art and activist practices.

The exhibition and program contests the field of SPORT through critical art
and activist practices. Coming from feminist and queer practices, the
project aims to challenge discrimination and encourage emancipation. SPORT
is contextualized from its declarative neutrality and autonomy, rendering
diverse influences, but also experiences and conditions of SPORT realities

Organized by the ccSPORT international working group of the nGbK including
also: Caitlin D. Fisher, Carmen Grimm, Mikel Aristegui, Sarah Bornhost,
Stuart Meyers, Imtiaz Ashraf, Andreea Carnu, with support from: Tom Weller,
Alexa Vachon, Ilaa Tietz, Tabea Huth, Barbara Gruhl, Steffy Narancic,
Tristan Deschamps, Coral Short, Gegen Berlin, Schwules Museum, and
advisors: Alex Brahim, Jennifer Doyle, Philippe Liotard, Jules Boykoff,
Stephane Bauer and †Frank Wagner.

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