[NetBehaviour] Hacking the Flu

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Apr 19 04:51:16 CEST 2017

Hacking the Flu

http://www.alansondheim.org/sara1.mp3 sarangi
http://www.alansondheim.org/sara2.mp3 jogia sarangi
http://www.alansondheim.org/sararevdyn1.mp3 reverse
dynamics, sarangi

I have a severe case of the flu, 101.5F temperature, hacking
cough, dizziness, pain, exhaustion, chills, headaches, other
assorted pains. This began about eight hours after we returned
from New York (we left Saturday night after playing and drove
straight to Providence). I've always been fascinated by the
effects of dis/ease on daily activity (playing music, doing
philosophy), so I gave the sarangis a try. At first they sounded
- literally - wounded, then I settled in, mainly by adjusting
the bass playing string. I'm terrible, but I'm not attempting to
be anywhere near Ram Narayan; I want to use these for music
pertaining to voice, time reversal, dynamics. I'm fully aware
that sarangi is probably the most difficult of string
instruments, and of course bleariness/dizziness wouldn't seem to
help, although I do have the opportunity to sail uncharted seas.
(It also helps that I've been reading de Quincey's Opium Eater,
the earlier edition, which resonates somehow, much like the 35
or so resonating strings on the sarangi, or 7 on the jogia
sarangi.) Meanwhile these pieces are part of a long line of work
I've done, producing under physical illness or undue stress;
there's a piece in my Disorders of the Real written while seemed
like a serious illness, and the writing wraps accordingly - with
the sarangis, perhaps, acchordingly. Then there is Queneau's
Exercises in Style (in Barbara Wright's brilliant translation),
as well as, at the other end of the spectrum, Fania Fenelon's
dark Playing for Time. Somewhere my sounds drop through illness
into the midst of texts, producing what you have here.

Meanwhile, for whomever might be interested, there is the third
sara/ngi piece, a model of the first with inverse dynamics.
Enjoy. I am still alive.

And culling:

symptom, flu symptoms codeine medicine relieve woozy, work.
occur less, can't get away from it. The result is those severe
flu symptoms I've been with a flu or cold or something and had
MSG to boot in what was a

 			Fluid flu Julu Julu juLu
 		 Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid flu Julu juLu

Does the flu take over the fantasy, as chills begin. They are
typical flu. To itself. The flu which consumes itself.
Disappearing into the gruddly flu fro tho noodlo on my skull!
hoodla hoodle hoodli hoodlo hoodlu degrees: I'm writing this -
_with a slight fever_ - flu coming on: Reduce facilities as well
of many cold and flu vaccines. of air we have rockets host cou
ghgh ost sick bad flu turned bacterial infection think it might
be the flu in any case you worked through the difference
information born, bomb, flu epidemic hit, computers, net, ning,
radio in any case, i've got a flu or 'the' flu Give me bird flu
and/or give me death. Lacan said it was some matter species ears
painful flu like speechu baby bounceu speeds endlessly states
remarkably flu function signals misplacement react suffering
1961 [8;1H 2: flu sTreTcHeD flu carries work, Julu-body
undermines sexuality, dies. These played during a minor flu
relapse incident (fri) symptom, flu symptoms codeine medicine
relieve woozy, work. occur less, nuddly nudd! :: aw gruddly
gruddly flu fro tho noodlo on my gruddly gruddly flu fro tho
noodlo on my pursuance of Jennifer's can't get away from it. The
result is those severe flu symptoms I've sick still with a bad
flu turned to bacterial infection so the in any case, i've got a
flu or 'the' flu CMB interference run flux; fl ux; haotic flu x;
surge, chao s; bomb, the flu epidemic hadn't yet hit, no
computers, Net, no information flux; fl ux; haotic flu x; surge,
chao s; host cou ghgh ost sick bad flu turned bacterial

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