[NetBehaviour] */Submission/*
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Sat Aug 19 06:26:31 CEST 2017
future anterior of the poem that would have been written
< poem I as
< > among ourselves, among each other thereby cut through
< Hz those
< Oh for old dime's skew. Look, we're in noh be. titters!
< Oh for old timer's sake. Look, we're in hatters!
< ah c
< ant
< asked to write or submit you,
< brittle dress age of individuation.
< category where dynamic locations cut through the
< cut through into this plenum:
< divide
< duets. Or e
< dune locations cut through dye
< echoes which reversed, inhale time in
< gel individuation.
< go on, just like that, around the unrelieved U.S.A.
< gory n object new category where
< into this plenum:
< l, relent
< lie sound,
< long categories
< low
< madam
< mica brittle dress brittle dress
< nd it's thereby topic, the USA no longer release, relate
< nether st
< otters!
< ourselves, among echo thorough
< prows
< sync
< t, round un-relief unrelev
< tenor their
< this any other discussion. Big sweeps of to wives
< unrelated U.S.A.
< vex
< yes plural tions, we
> poem I ws
>> among ourselves, among each other thereby cut throgh
> Oh for old time's sake. Look, we're in tatters!
> Oh for old time's ske. Look, we're in tOh ke. ttters!
> brittle dressage of individuation.
> category where dynamic locutions cut through the
> ch c
> cut throgh into this plenum:
> dgets. Or e
> dync
> dynmic locutions cut through dyn
> echoes which reversed, inhle time inh
> ge individution.
> go on, just like that, around the unrelevant U.S.A.
> individu
> into this plexum:
> l, relevnt
> le sound,
> lw
> mic brittle dressge individubrittle dress
> mndmnifold
> mong ctegories
> nd it's thereby topicl, the USA no longer relevl, relev
> nother st
> nt
> nz those
> ourselves, emong ech throgh
> rrows
> ssked to write or submit you,
> t, round unrelevround unrelev
> tegories their
> tegory n object new ctegory where
> this ny other discussion. Big sweeps of wto wves
> tters!
> unrelevnt U.S.A.
> ves
> ys plurl tions, we
poem I as
asked to write or submit you,
This is
nd it's thereby topic, the USA no longer release, relate
l, relent
this any other discussion. Big sweeps of to wives
t, round un-relief unrelev
unrelated U.S.A.
go on, just like th
Hz those
And now there room fill
nether st
echoes which reversed, inhale time in
lie sound,
Oh for old dime's skew. Look, we're in noh be. titters!
gory n object new category where
ah c
long categories
tenor their
re functors
functor g
duets. Or e
dune locations cut through dye
mica brittle dress brittle dress
gel individuation.
l nor m For other, but
yes plural tions, we
ourselves, among echo thorough
.This is a poem I was asked to write or submit to you,
.and it's thereby topical, the USA is no longer relevant
.to this or any other discussion. Big sweeps of waves
.go on, just like that, around the unrelieved U.S.A.
.And now there is room to fill another stanza as those
.waves sweep, bringing up the debris my life work's in,
.those echoes which reversed, inhale time and sound,
.almost to the point of reviving U.S.A.
,Oh for old timer's sake. Look, we're in hatters!
,Each category is an object in the new category where
,arrows are functors among old categories and their
,gadgets. Or each functor is an object in a new
,category where dynamic locations cut through the
,brittle dress age of individuation.
,For I am not an individual nor am I an other, but
,I am manifold and a manifold, a category of manifold
,transformations, where we are always plural and
,among ourselves, among each other thereby cut through
,into this plenum
< among ourselves, among each other thereby cut through
> among ourselves, among each other thereby cut through
cut through into this plenum
hom Given two modules M and N over a unit ring R, Hom_R(M,N)
denotes the set of all module homomorphisms from M to N.
mho Electricity. the standard unit of electrical conductance in
the International System of Units (SI), equal to the reciprocal
of the ohm and replacing the equivalent MKS unit (mho)
Mohs Soft - can be scratched by a fingernail, Mohs' 1-2;
Medium - can be scratched by a knife or nail, Mohs' 3-5;
Hard - cannot be scratched by a knife but can scratch glass,
Mohs' 6-9;
Diamond is the hardest known mineral, Mohs' 10.
ohm the SI unit of electrical resistance, expressing the
resistance in a circuit transmitting a current of one ampere
when subjected to a potential difference of one volt.
,*/I would have continued to discuss the isolation of an
extremely brutal regime in the U.S.A. as fallout continues
with an increasing isolation of a violent "president."
I would have been a contender. I would have killed myself.
I would have gone into hiding. I would have become a
refugee. I would have become a refusenik. I would have
killed others, many others. I would have been called
maverick. I would have been someone. I would have been
important. I would have been inconceivable. I would have
come out from hiding. I would have returned home. I would
have become a healer. I would have acquiesced. I would
have been inconsequential. I would have been no one. I
would have become a healer./*,
Short bio:
Alan Sondheim is a city-based new media artist, musician,
writer, and performer concerned with issues of virtuality, and
the stake that the real world has in the virtual. He has worked
with his partner, Azure Carter and the musician-composer-
programmer Luke Damrosch. Sondheim is interested in examining the
grounds of the virtual and how the body is inhabited. He
performs in virtual, real, and cross-over worlds; his virtual
work is known for its highly complex and mobile architectures.
He has used altered motion-capture technology extensively for
examining and creating new lexicons of behavior. His current
work is centered around notions of gamespace, 'edgespace' (the
border areas of gamespace) and 'blankness,' projections around
edgespace. His current music is based on the impossibility of
time reversal, on fast improvisation, and anti-gestural
approaches to playing. His most recent work is this short
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