[NetBehaviour] slime mold, hardened form, anomalies, identifications, webs

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Dec 2 05:04:29 CET 2017

slime mold, hardened form, anomalies, identifications, webs

need identification help. the slime mold was found only on one
log (most likely oak) in the Caratunk woods. it changed
radically (of course) in the past two days. meanwhile i've
scoured my atlases, looked on Wikipedia and more obscure sites,
and nothing comes up. it's quite large, quite soft. i've taken
about 80 images of it so far. there are two other biological
elements I haven't been able to identify and that seem equally
unique in the area; the first is the odd structure on tree bark;
it's extremely hard, not from a wasp or bee (no hint of a
hexagonal structure), and the tunnels are quite large. finally
there's an odd growth on the side of a tree; I only have one
image unfortunately. all three of these are haunting and of
great interest to us; they seen multi-organism and networked.
the slime mold is amazing; it's soft to the touch and seems to
have the same consistency throughout.

as long as we can keep our sense of wonder in the face of
catastrophe, annihilation and extinction, we might survive the
next few years; I have less hope for other organisms at this
point. In any case, any clues to identification greatly
appreciated. thanks, Alan


< great interest to us; they seen multi-organism and networked.
>  great interest to us; they seen multi-organism and networked.
< great interest to us; they seen multi-organism and networked.
>  great interest to us; they seen multi-organism and networked.
< great interest to us; they seen multi-organism and networked.
>  great interest to us; they seen multi-organism and networked.

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