[NetBehaviour] emergency continues

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Dec 30 04:42:43 CET 2017

emergency continues

soprano recorder, garkleinflote, bosun's whistle, supercollider

though the urgency of understanding the issues involved is
clear, or and contingency meld and something permanently
unnameable emerges, whereof control becomes messy and obscured
in terms of agency. social media, the field, necessary in any
emergency. Hit ^V, control-voice, and you're characters across,
80 if necessary, legible for emergency. Runs off. If possible,
"emergency" help available on the Net - for example, went to the
hospital emergency room; I was having 'flashes' in my left eye's
Regency period. I've got to work on our dance performance stuff,
Foofwa's crying, running to emergency rooms, trying different
foods and medical moment, she added a degree of insurgency. It
was at that moment, inexact, there's an ...urgfency... that's
urgency... here, i can't define, all this not rulers, are bent
to meet every contingency: Let us, for example, most likely also
use an emergency backup generator running on fossils. Video is
always an emergency. The dancers emerge into (their) (other)
people she discusses. There's a warmth to the work, as well as
an urgency in the midst of the academy - an urgency, that this
kind of outre work denies. The restoration appears through the
agency of Search-Engine Veronica,* additions as writing through
urgency and emergency; it is written that Agency is a phantom
limb; agency is our limitation. Agency's a phantom limb;
agency's our limitation. agency. For it is agency that underlies
this and other inscriptions - agency that discriminates between
fissure and inscription, or the company? Pun on hijo, emergency,
pun on guchi, exit: hijoguchi, emergency exit, emergency clothes
for the vectors, diagrams passed out on slips of paper, local
emergency agency. For it is agency that underlies this and other
inscriptions - agency that discriminates between fissure and
inscription, or the crisis. The company's pun on hijo,
emergency, pun on guchi, exit: hijoguchi, emergency exit, Hi Jo
Gucci, emergency clothe for vectors, diagrams passed out on
slips of paper, local emergency <> <> <> agclassical age
agebas agechoandcutend agechoandcutendb agency embedded emblem
emergenceandembodimentprospectus emergency emily hwledpowergif
hwole hwsharpioportgif hybrid hydrogencycle quaggy quake
quakeshare qualityoflifeagencycontactspdf quantum

theglobalhydrogencycle theglory
with urgency] [regulates
poetry in an emergency

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