[NetBehaviour] Video games and politics: Talk at the Museum of London | 20th February

Foteini Aravani faravani at museumoflondon.org.uk
Tue Feb 14 11:37:53 CET 2017

**sorry for cross-posting!**
Part of City | Space | Video games: a series of talks exploring the relationship between video games, history, politics and art.

Video games have dominated popular culture for quite some time, but only recently did they make a significant break into the world of politics, social critique and activism. This talk will provide an overview of the different ways that video games embody ideology in their narrative from the Thatcherism years to the most recent socio-political movements from political plots to simulations of democracy.
In this talk, Dr Martin Zeilinger, Lecturer in Media Studies at Anglia Ruskin University, will be joined by Cliff Harris of Positech Games, author and journalist Tristan Donovan, and gaming critic Ed Smith to explore the relationship between video games and politics from the 80s till now!

You can book your spot now:

Foteini Aravani
Digital Curator
Museum of London
150 London Wall
London EC2Y 5HN
Tel: 020 7814 5719
Email: faravani at museumoflondon.org.uk

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