[NetBehaviour] Fwd: Faculty opening in creative programming

ruth catlow ruth.catlow at furtherfield.org
Wed Feb 15 11:58:49 CET 2017

This looks like a great job, in a really great Academic department .
If anything would tempt you to move to the US....!

Dear friends,

I hope you've survived the unprecedented insanity that 2017 has 
delivered thus far. A bright note from my backyard has been news that my 
New Media department is hiring a tenure-track faculty member in creative 

We're looking for a candidate with strong skills in Web, mobile, and/or 
game development. Classes will take place in our new $10M facility, 
chock full of 3d printers, lasercutters, 360-degree projection rooms, 
and soon an environment dedicated to Augmented and Virtual Reality. 
Support for the position includes UMaine's expanding initiatives like 
Programming Across the Curriculum and Just-in-time Learning, a bottom-up 
approach that integrates interactive video tutorials into learning in 
and outside of class.

Anyone interested should visit:


If you know someone who does cool stuff with code and would enjoy 
helping others learn how, please forward this email or have them find me 
on Twitter. I will also be happy to meet candidates in New York anytime 
during the College Art Association, i.e., Wednesday 15th through 
Saturday 18th February.

Good luck with your own projects in the coming year!


Jon Ippolito
Professor and Program Coordinator, New Media
Co-director, Still Water
Director, Digital Curation graduate program
Does Anyone Actually Read These Titles
The University of Maine
IMRC Center, Rm 101
5785 Stewart Commons
Orono, ME  04469-5785
jippolito at maine.edu <mailto:jippolito at maine.edu>
Twitter: @jonippolito

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