[NetBehaviour] always wanted..? (tate modern skateboarding)

aharon misnom at spell.blue
Tue Jul 4 16:00:00 CEST 2017

Thanks Alan!

hummm.. Does anyone know of these remote controled cars film..? might be interesting with link to the security theatre in tate.. (though perhaps this is a sloopy idea..)

thought this one was a bit like - perhaps in some spirit - with the scene from these films where a few young guys run through the louvre.. (can think of 3 films, but maybe there are more..)

Greetings from the somme of saint quentin.. recomended for refueling any thoughts regarding the eternal futility and headless-chicken-like movements that are armed and violent struggles.

Ciao and have fun!

July 3 2017 7:55 AM, "Alan Sondheim" <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
> Wonderful video! I remember a video years ago, small radio-controlled racing cars dashing through a
> museum - forget which one...
> On Sun, 2 Jul 2017, aharon wrote:
>> Hiyas,
>> Hope this finds you all well!
>> A few weeks ago i visited tate modern with the intention of skateboarding in and out of te gallery,
>> this way or another.
>> (eg - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFS9F_NV_GI&t=180s )
>> have not been to tate modern, seemingly a life time or two. what is all that airport stylee
>> security doing there??!!
>> the security people actually take themselves seriously - with suspecting looks and all. (ie most
>> def no performing art attempt, inspite of the theatricality..)
>> Is it only me or does it alter the whole art-linked gallery visiting practice?
>> cheers and have much unsecured fun!
>> ahanon
>> xx
>> More vids similar to tate modern skating are on:
>> http://alwaysquis.5p.lt
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