[NetBehaviour] The Dark Web, between the Myth and the Promise of Anonymity
Maria Farràs
mfarras at cccb.org
Wed Jul 5 12:07:24 CEST 2017
Dear all,
Yesterday we published an article you might like: The Dark Web, between the Myth and the Promise of Anonymity (http://lab.cccb.org/en/the-dark-web-between-the-myth-and-the-promise-of-anonymity/) written an illustrated by Ferran Esteve:
However little you've heard about the dark web, it's impossible to navigate around it without preconceived ideas. The media relate it to drug trafficking, terrorism and child pornography; meanwhile, activists and journalists defend it as a tool for social change. Beyond the myths, navigating around the dark web turns out to be much more prosaic than one would expect, and its political potential resides in a practical aspect: recovering the right to anonymity in the era of digital surveillance.
URL: http://lab.cccb.org/en/the-dark-web-between-the-myth-and-the-promise-of-anonymity/
We hope you like it.
Very best regards from Barcelona as usual,
Maria Farràs
933 064 100
@cccblab // Blog LAB // Kosmopolis
Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona
T 933 064 100 / http://www.cccb.org
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