[NetBehaviour] Alan Sondheim's Avataurrors

Johannes Birringer Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk
Thu Jul 6 20:57:33 CEST 2017

dear all

the place here is hot with wonderful and wide ranging responses to Alan Sondheim's show at Furtherfield in London, UK, and his artist talk yesterday the Commons in Finsbury Park,
and it is not often perhaps that a prominent active member of the list is in town, has a show we can visit and attend, so I wish to thank Alan for his wonderful presentation
and presence, alongside his partner Azure Carter; and Mark and Ruth for their hospitality at the venue, their curation of the show (and to Alison Ballard for showing me the exhibit when it
was about to close).  I met also a fine, attentive and warm audience, and some have already posted here, so the ripples are effected. 

well done Alan, you are an inspiration!

Johannes Birringer

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