[NetBehaviour] playdamage #115: reANIMATr {blackmountainberlin}

Michael Szpakowski m at michaelszpakowski.org
Fri Jul 14 11:40:47 CEST 2017

Great! love 114 too, that movement loop really touches...once again, a great project, should be seen widely

      From: Curt Cloninger <curt at lab404.com>
 To: netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org 
 Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 5:01 AM
 Subject: [NetBehaviour] playdamage #115: reANIMATr {blackmountainberlin}


Last month in Berlin I bought a pillow from Alma Alloro which she custom made after viewing playdamage.

Here is a picture of the pillow:

I made this playdamage based on that pillow. I cut and pasted some code from http://playdamage.org/27.html , and part of that page got sub-palimpsested into this new page, which made me glad, so I kept it.

Yes the audio is Robert Plant with Phil Collins on drums. No I’m not sorry.


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