[NetBehaviour] On art and art-making: I do or do not make pictures.

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Jul 17 02:13:59 CEST 2017

Hi Edward, I do agree with you for the most part, but I think that play is 
only a part of art, that art means different things in different cultures, 
and that superstructural considerations are important. A child plays and 
creates, tests boundaries, repeats, experiments; with conceptual art, 
other things are at work as well. Conceptual art gives me great joy in 
relation to what it might say about knowledge in general for example.

In other words, a child plays and creates, and that is art (look at 
Dubuffet for example, how this might extent), but art has surplus meaning 
beyond that. I like Bourdieu's book Distinction, which deals with art in 
terms of community and cultural capitals; it's been of use to me. Art also 
then has lineages and institutions that move beyond play, or hopefully, 
take play along with it.

Aharon, in this regard, I see as play, but also as something else...

- Alan

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