[NetBehaviour] Someone else among reiterations.

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Fri Jul 21 05:55:37 CEST 2017

Someone else among reiterations.


Somewhere in here...:Somewhere in here...:something is is going
on, something else is occurring.:To rite oneself: to encapsul-
ate, contain, something about a boundary dividing x from non-x
but leaving out the striated dynamics, U I be destroyed.:What
might be better written becomes a mess as @ becomes $, a
signature of position becomes a value unsubstantiated but
universally agreed-on. I keep trying to write myself. keep
trying _thus._ I make lists. I keep trying to right the world.

(Sweeping) There's nothing in here at all. We were mistaken. The
codes are somewhere else. I keep wondering about the biology of
bells. The only speak when tilted. What kind of an organism is

(Cleaning) I'm desperate for your voice. Am I on the rite track?
Is there something else? What would Kant say? Nagle? Irigaray?
Are you there? For me, are you there? Just a word would do.

I keep trying to write the world. I keep trying to write myself.
I keep trying to rite myself. I keep trying to right myself. The
small flaw of the right.:27524:4:this might have been better
written but old protocols die hard; the hardest lesson I've
learned is that refining myself is of no use to anyone. So much
for the brutal code of the somatic of the body. :To rite
oneself: to encapsulate, contain, something about a boundary
dividing x from non-x but leaving out the striated dynamics, U I
be destroyed.:Somewhere in here...

(Showering) There's a home with the sound of the bells ringing
our home to us. I don't want to live in a world without trees or
cacti. Look, there's someone else.

Status:	Resolving address of alansondheim.org
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status:	Logged in
Status:	Retrieving directory listing of "/public_html"...
Status:	Directory listing of "/public_html" successful
Status:	Resolving address of alansondheim.org
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status:	Logged in
Status:	Starting upload of C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\london0241.jpg
Status:	File transfer successful, transferred 2,499,259 bytes
in 2 seconds
Status:	Retrieving directory listing of "/public_html"...
Status:	Directory listing of "/public_html" successful
Status:	Starting upload of C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\changes2.mp4
Status:	File transfer successful, transferred 20,006,274 bytes
in 18 seconds
Status:	Retrieving directory listing of "/public_html"...
Status:	Directory listing of "/public_html" successful


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