[NetBehaviour] academia.edu vs researchgate.net

FFL-Gold fleym009 at campus.goldsmiths.ac.uk
Tue Jul 25 13:42:04 CEST 2017


following on the thread about academia.edu
others use researchgate.net ?
I am trying to find out how they compare..
I am on both, but recently have mainly attended to researchgate
(I prefer the UI and features).
I am still debating if this is really worth it..
A not-for-profit platform would make (more) sense.

Then there is Mendeley, LinkedIn (but their new UI does not highlight 
publications I find), others .. ?

Some (more) thoughts on the matter:

Then this:
"The fine print
Whenever you sign up for a service, it’s a good idea to read the Terms 
of Use. Academia.edu’s terms give the company a license to make 
derivative works (like translations?) based on articles users upload to 
the site “in connection with operating and providing the Services and 
Content to you and to other Members.” ResearchGate’s terms include an 
agreement to have the user’s relationship with the company be governed 
by German law. And both sites have an indemnification clause, asserting 
that if the site faces any legal claims arising from things users upload 
to the site, the user will bear the cost."

Frederic Fol Leymarie
Goldsmiths, University of London

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