[NetBehaviour] Fwd: Research fellow, Digital Humanities

Edward Picot julian.lesaux at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 15:10:44 CEST 2017

This might be of interest:

  Eastern ARC Research Fellow - Digital Humanities

      *University of Essex* - Faculty of Humanities - The Fellow will
      work within a relevant discipline-related Department

Location: 	Colchester
Salary: 	£32,004 to £38,183 per annum.
Hours: 	Full Time
Contract Type: 	Fixed-Term/Contract

Placed on: 	27th July 2017
Closes: 	26th August 2017
Job Ref: 	REQ00744

*Digital Humanities
*Digital technologies have the power to enable new ways of working in 
the humanities: allowing new questions; facilitating access to research 
materials; and providing forms of output and dissemination that span the 
humanities. The Digital Humanities represent an interdisciplinary range 
of research, united by a common methodological and theoretical interest 
in information technologies and providing opportunities to connect with 
the social sciences, sciences and cultural heritage sector. We have 
significant expertise in digital creative arts, digital curation, big 
data, particularly visualisation, digital heritage and geographical 
information systems.

The Eastern ARC Fellow in Digital Humanities will be based at the 
University of Essex, but will work across all three universities in the ARC.

*Eastern ARC
*Eastern Academic Research Consortium (Eastern ARC) is a research 
collaboration between the Universities of Essex, East Anglia, and Kent. 
The consortium builds upon recent partnership bids for doctoral training 
awards in the natural and environmental sciences and the arts and 
humanities, as well as a range of other bilateral research relationships.

Eastern ARC builds on strengths in three key areas: Synthetic Biology; 
Digital Humanities; and Quantitative Social Sciences.

*The Role and Duties
*The main duties of the post will include undertaking high quality, 
independent research within the Eastern ARC thematic priority, 
contributing to public engagement and impact, developing collaborations 
across the Eastern ARC, supporting the research culture of the host 
institution, applying for grants, supervising students, supporting the 
host institution administratively and teaching undergraduates.

The appointment as Eastern ARC Research Fellow will be fixed-term from 1 
October 2017 to 31 August 2019, during which time the fellow will be 
supported in their professional development. Subject to successful 
completion of the Fellowship, at the end of this period the Fellow will 
be considered for a permanent academic position (Lectureship).

*Qualifications and Skills required
*Applications are invited from researchers with sufficient postdoctoral 
research experience to demonstrate potential for independence and with 
an emerging reputation for research leadership. Candidates must have a 
PhD (or be close to completion) or equivalent level of qualification in 
a relevant discipline or subject area.

At the University of Essex internationalism is central to who we are and 
what we do. We are committed to being a cosmopolitan, 
internationally-oriented university that is welcoming to staff and 
students from all countries and a university where you can find the 
world in one place.

Please use the ‘Apply’ button below to read further information about 
this role including the full job description and person specification 
which outlines the full duties, skills, qualifications and experience 
needed for this role. You will also find details of how to make your 
application here.

Our website http://www.essex.ac.uk  contains more information about the 
University of Essex.  If you have a disability and would like 
information in a different format, please telephone (01206) 874693 / 873521.

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