[NetBehaviour] Old Horizons: Installing Lambda MOO on localhost
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Mon Jun 19 01:45:00 CEST 2017
Old Horizons: Installing Lambda MOO on localhost
$ ./moo -l moo.txt Lambda.db output.db.txt 6666
@create note
Usage: @create <parent-class> named [name:]alias,...,alias
or: @create <parent-class> named
where <parent-class> is one of the standard classes ($note,
$thing, or $container) or an object number (e.g., #999), or
the name of some object in the current room.
You can use "called" instead of "named", if you wish.
@create $note called JULU
You now have JULU with object number #95 and parent generic
note (#9).
look JULU
There appears to be some writing on the note ...
@read note
You have no messages.
alan at alan-Inspiron-1012 ~/sondheim/vr/MOO-1.8.1 $ more
Jun 18 18:27:33: STARTING: Version 1.8.1 of the LambdaMOO
Jun 18 18:27:33: (Using BSD/TCP protocol)
Jun 18 18:27:33: (Task timeouts measured in
server CPU seconds.)
Jun 18 18:27:33: LOADING: Lambda.db
Jun 18 18:27:33: NAME_LOOKUP: Started new lookup process
Jun 18 18:27:33: LOADING: Reading 95 objects...
Jun 18 18:27:33: LOADING: Done reading 95 objects ...
Jun 18 18:27:33: VALIDATING the object hierarchies ...
Jun 18 18:27:33: VALIDATE: Phase 1: Check for invalid
objects ...
Jun 18 18:27:33: VALIDATE: Phase 2: Check for cycles ...
Jun 18 18:27:33: VALIDATE: Phase 3: Check for
inconsistencies ...
Jun 18 18:27:33: VALIDATING the object hierarchies ...
Jun 18 18:27:33: LOADING: Reading 1698 MOO verb programs...
Jun 18 18:27:34: LOADING: Done reading 1698 verb programs...
Jun 18 18:27:34: LOADING: Reading forked and suspended
Jun 18 18:27:34: LOADING: Reading list of formerly active
Jun 18 18:27:34: LOADING: Lambda.db done, will dump new
database on output.db
Jun 18 18:27:34: INTERN: 21466 allocations saved, 162995
Jun 18 18:27:34: INTERN: at end, 53135 entries in a 80056
bucket hash table.
Jun 18 18:27:34: Loaded protect cache for 128 builtins
Jun 18 18:27:34: LISTEN: #0 now listening on port 6666
Jun 18 18:27:50: ACCEPT: #-2 on port 6666 from localhost,
port 38643
Jun 18 18:28:06: CONNECTED: Wizard (#2) on port 6666 from
localhost, port 38643
alan at alan-Inspiron-1012 ~/sondheim/vr/MOO-1.8.1 $
** LambdaMOO Database, Format Version 4 **
95 1698 0 4 2 71 36 38 #0 The System Object 24 2 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 5
19 do_login_command 2 173 -1 server_started 2 173 -1
core_objects 2 173 -1 init_for_core 2 173 -1 user_created
user_connected 2 173 -1 user_disconnected
user_client_disconnected 2 173 -1 bf_chparent chparent 2 173 -1
bf_add_verb add_verb 2 173 -1 bf_add_property add_property 2 173
-1 bf_recycle recycle 2 173 -1 user_reconnected 2 173 -1
bf_set_verb_info set_verb_info 2 173 -1 bf_match match 2 173 -1
bf_rmatch rmatch 2 173 -1 do_out_of_band_command doobc 2 173 -1
handle_uncaught_error 2 173 -1 bf_force_input 2 173 -1 moveto 2
173 -1 bf_set_property_info set_property_info 2 173 -1 118
builder login last_huh guest_log last_restart_time biglist
big_mail_recipient limbo registration_db new_player_log
verb_help core_help prog_help wiz_help shutdown_task wiz_utils
site_db math_utils set_utils builtin_function_help new_prog_log
generic_help guest spell seq_utils quota_log you max_seconds
max_ticks hacker generic_db shutdown_message shutdown_time
no_one player_db class_registry player_class gender_utils
trig_utils time_utils editor_help mail_recipient mail_agent
mail_editor note_editor verb_editor generic_editor match_utils
object_utils lock_utils gripe_recipients letter dump_interval
list_utils command_utils player wiz prog code_utils help nothing
failed_match ambiguous_match perm_utils building_utils
string_utils news note container thing exit room player_start
root_class recycler garbage mail_options edit_options
display_options generic_options maxint minint error newt_log
toad_log site_log housekeeper network generic_biglist_home
feature local gopher prog_options build_options generic_utils
quota_utils paranoid_db no_connect_message sysobj
byte_quota_utils object_quota_utils server_options
feature_warehouse builder_help mail_help ftp password_verifier
new_password_log frand_class mail_recipient_class stage_talk
pasting_feature core_history matrix_utils force_input_count
frand_help convert_utils gendered_object 122 1 4 2 5 1 10 2 1 1
11 2 1 1 12 2 1 0 1497824832 2 5 1 13 2 5 1 14 2 5 1 15 2 5 1 16
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