[NetBehaviour] Finsbury Park attack

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Jun 19 18:14:00 CEST 2017

Yes! - do you have the quote source?

On Mon, 19 Jun 2017, ruth catlow wrote:

> Helicopters circling for hours overhead.
> This quote by biologist and cybernetics theorist Humberto Maturana rings true 
> and requires no explanation only imagination.
> "Only love expands intelligence. To live in love is to accept the other and 
> the conditions of his existence as a source of richness, not as opposition, 
> restriction or limitation"
> Love
> Ruth
> On 19/06/17 13:48, Alan Sondheim wrote:
>> How do we cope with this, what can we possibly do? Things continue to get 
>> worse - today -
>> Virginia Muslim girl found dead near mosque
>> BBC News     - 1 hour ago
>> Police in the US state of Virginia have found the remains believed to be of 
>> a 17-year-old Muslim girl who was assaulted near a mosque before 
>> disappearing.
>> There's also this -
>> The world's displaced people - in numbers
>> There are 65.6 million displaced people in the world - more people than 
>> live in the UK. Of these:
>>     22.5 million are refugees
>>     40.3 million are displaced in their own country
>>     2.8 million are seeking asylum
>> Where do the refugees come from?
>>     Syria: 5.5 million*
>>     Afghanistan: 2.5 million
>>     South Sudan: 1.4 million
>> Who is hosting the refugees?
>>     Turkey: 2.9 million
>>     Pakistan: 1.4 million
>>     Lebanon: 1 million
>>     Iran: 979,4000
>>     Uganda: 940,800
>>     Ethiopia: 791,600
>> *Another 6.3 million Syrians are internally displaced
>> And in the US anti-refugee, anti-anyone who's not white, male, Christian, 
>> healthy, rich, etc. is targeted by the current
>> administration. There are small beautiful islands like the Gay
>> Pride events this weekend in Providence, but catastrophe,
>> fuelled by enclaving, global warming, hatred, seems to be on
>> the rise. We're heartbroken here.
>> Furtherfield is a beacon of hope and kindness in the midst of
>> all of this, and thank you everyone for the work you do - and
>> do online as well, this list is a haven for so many wonderful
>> people.
>> Here, we're isolated in many ways, please keep us up to date.
>> love and condolences, Alan and Azure
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