[NetBehaviour] Intelligently Weak, Neural 56

Alessandro Ludovico a.ludovico at neural.it
Tue Jun 27 15:46:41 CEST 2017

"Intelligently Weak" (Neural #56) is still available!

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Autumn 2016, ISSN: 2037-108X
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Neural #56, "Intelligently Weak"

Centrefold:  Tear Gun, fragility-loaded weapon

. Eric Drass / shardcore.org
. Gene Kogan
. Florian Hecker
. Ben Bogart
. Jonas Lund

. AI representation in Black Mirror tv series
. Machine Fallibility and Emergent Weirdness

. Burak Arikan, Data Asymmetries
. Fear and Love

. Victory of the sun, light sufficiency
. Interface I, system tension and complexity
. Dreams Rewired, looking back to look forward
. Decalcomania!, subversive beauty device
. How We Act Together, screen based human imitation
. The Last Gun, sounds in armed disconcert
. Micro-ritmos, AI orchestrating bacteria
. Ad lib., discreet machine requiem
. machine brut(e), temporal monolithism
. Lost in binary Translation, digitising mechanically
. Flying Pantograph, pipelining transposed drawing
. Randomly Generated Social Interactions, autocratic speed dating
. Inibition, stay unfocused
. Fly AI, crucial system mistakes
. Can’t Help Myself, helpless concerned robots

. edited by Grant Wythoff / The Perversity of Things
. Ulises Carrión / Dear reader, Don’t read
. Ned Rossiter / Software, Infrastructure, Labor
. edited by Lena Brüggermann, Francis Hunger / Search Routines: Tales of Databases
. Benjamin H. Bratton / The Stack, On Software and Sovereignty
. VV.AA. / Sound Development City – Artist Expedition 2015
. Abteilung Kunst und Kultur Amt der… / Bernhard Leitner: Ton – Raum – Skulptur
. Jason Kahn / Errant Bodies Press
. Mikel R.Nieto / Dark Sound
. VV.AA. / Dirty Ear Report #2
. Yuk Hui / On the Existence of Digital Objects
. VV.AA. / Holo 2
. Nick Couldry, Andreas Hepp / The Mediated Construction of Reality
. edited by Ryszard W. Kluszczyński / Patrick Tresset
. edited by Samuel Bianchini, Erik Verhagen / Practicable

cd reviews:
. Le Forbici di Manitù & Friends: Tinnitus Tales: Sussidiaria
. C. Bacchus, J. Nechvatal, B. Sifichi, R. Chatham: Destroyer of Naivetés: Computer Virus 1.0: Entr’acte
. Soojin Anjou, Askat Jetigen, Robert Lippok: Gletschermusik: Folk Wisdom
. VVAA curated by Francisco López: audio-DH: sonic manifestations by 250 creators from The Hague: iii
. Ply: Sans Cesse: Warm
. Pauline Oliveros + Musiques Nouvelles: Four Meditations / Sound Geometries: Sub Rosa
. Jos Smolders: Exercises in Modular Synthesis and Field Recording – Nowhere: Crónica
. Keith Rowe, Martin Küchen: The Bakery: Mikroton
. Jonas Olesen: Test: BIN
. IOKOI: Liquefy: OUS
. Ilpo Väisänen: Syntetisaattori Musiikkia Kuopiosta: Kvitnu
. Hexorcismos: Desesperanza: RecursosRenovables
. Anne-James Chaton, Thurston Moore, Andy Moor: Heretics: Unsounds
. Franz Kirmann: Elysian Park: Denovali
. Franck Vigroux: Rapport Sur Le Désordre: DAC
. ensemBle baBel, Christian Marclay: Screen Play: Aussenraum
. Angus Carlyle: In The Shadow Of The Silent Mountain: Gruenrekorder
. Alessandro Incorvaia: Check Out: Not On Label
. Lustmord: Dark Matter: Touch
. Oren Ambarchi: Hubris: Mego
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