[NetBehaviour] Breaking of Speech in Gritworld

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Mar 14 00:43:03 CET 2017

Breaking of Speech in Gritworld


"meditation is to enter without a place to enter; wisdom is to
depend on nothing" - Hui-neng, from the inscription by Wang Wei,
in The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, the text of the
Tun-Huang manuscript, edited/translated by Philip Yampolsky.

Ah... speak... speak...
Travis, what do they call you, when they call you...
Travis-TraviS depressed, silence and debris, the gritworld,

Are you dressed as silence and debris, the gritworld, induction?
Is silence and debris, the gritworld, induction dressed as you?

Are you in your flower, are you in your flesh, ah don't answer...

Ah gritworld tears my flesh, lacerations, no cicatrix, raw
felsh, wounds, broken bones, what have o you

I love your feelings, silence and debris, the gritworld,
induction ...

your penis turns me beneath or within your jumper!

What do you call your taut flower? my pein penis my pines my
spine my spinnet my flower-web, my grasp of induction and
inference, mo my motives for becoming, my becoming. there is no
light no sound in gritworld. there are rough planes,
intersecting, n to n + 1.

silence and debris, the gritworld, induction, my pein penis my
pines my spine my spinnet my flower-web, my grasp of induction
and inference, mo my motives for becoming, my becoming. there is
no light no sound in gritworld. there are rough planes,
intersecting, n to n + 1. turns my stick into body body parts:
monster head;
face monster;
monster scalp scalp monster;
My monster scalp scalp monster is yours...

my pein penis my pines my spine my spinnet my flower-web, my
grasp of induction and inference, mo my motives for becoming, my
becoming. there is no light no sound in gritworld. there are
rough planes, intersecting, n to n + 1. calls forth dirty love,
eating, excreting memory. beneath or within the cotton, my pein
penis my pines my spine my spinnet my flower-web, my grasp of
induction and inference, mo my motives for becoming, my
becoming. there is no light no sound in gritworld. there are
rough planes, intersecting, n to n + 1. is , cotton, gritworld
tears my flesh, lacerations, no cicatrix, raw felsh, wounds,
broken bones, what have o you? ... love is monster scalp scalp
monster here, it's love?

Are you becoming close to Travis' my pein penis my pines my
spine my spinnet my flower-web, my grasp of induction and
inference, mo my motives for becoming, my becoming. there is no
light no sound in gritworld. there are rough planes,
intersecting, n to n + 1.? i devour myself in an inductive
fast-forward future, my fast forward fast and forward future
swallows me there are swallows in the sky i hear them i hear the
swallows n to n + 1 ; n + 1 to n +2; i am in trance, betranced,
bedraggled, i drag my stick behind my behind me, it tears on the
gritworld monster it tears on the scalp I think my pein penis my
pines my spine my spinnet my flower-web, my grasp of induction
and inference, mo my motives for becoming, my becoming. there is
no light no sound in gritworld. there are rough planes,
intersecting, n to n + 1. 5920 is your scar, your wound, your

Zero time it has been:, I have been nervous Travis-TraviS
depressed ... and it has taken you just 5.000 minutes turning
Travis-TraviS depressed;

my pein penis my pines my spine my spinnet my flower-web, my
grasp of induction and inference, mo my motives for becoming, my
becoming. there is no light no sound in gritworld. there are
rough planes, intersecting, n to n + 1.:gritworld tears my
flesh, lacerations, no cicatrix, raw felsh, wounds, broken
bones, what have o you:silence and debris, the gritworld,
induction:: Your dirty monster scalp scalp monster is in my
cotton monster scalp scalp monster Your your penis seeps into my
monster scalp scalp monster - turning me Travis-TraviS o poor
Travis-TraviS depressed;

my pein penis my pines my spine my spinnet my flower-web, my
grasp of induction and inference, mo my motives for becoming, my
becoming. there is no light no sound in gritworld. there are
rough planes, intersecting, n to n + 1.:gritworld tears my
flesh, lacerations, no cicatrix, raw felsh, wounds, broken
bones, what have o you:silence and debris, the gritworld,
induction:: Your dirty monster scalp scalp monster is in my
cotton monster scalp scalp monster Your your penis seeps into
my monster scalp scalp monster - turning me Travis-TraviS

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