[NetBehaviour] Algorithmic Injustice

Maria Farràs mfarras at cccb.org
Tue Mar 14 11:59:24 CET 2017

Dear list,

Today we published another article you might like: Algorithmic Injustice by David Casacuberta (http://lab.cccb.org/en/algorithmic-injustice/) 

Artificial intelligence has made it possible to automate decisions that human beings had been responsible for until now. Although many of these decisions are in the fields of entertainment and social media, automated decisions are also used in finance, education, the labour market, insurance companies, medicine, and justice. This phenomenon has far-reaching social consequences and brings up all sorts of questions, from "what will happen to the jobs that took care of making these decisions in the past?" to "how can we guarantee that those algorithms make fair decisions?"

The URL: http://lab.cccb.org/en/algorithmic-injustice/

Best regards from Barcelona,

Maria Farràs / 
933 064 100
@cccblab / Blog LAB / Cultural Innovation International Prize / Kosmopolis. Amplified Literature Fest 

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona
T 933 064 100 / http://www.cccb.org



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