[NetBehaviour] "Bodily Extensions and Performance" Special Issue of JPADM out now

Marco Donnarumma lists at marcodonnarumma.com
Thu Sep 14 10:38:41 CEST 2017

[apologies for any x-post]


I'd like to bring to your attention this brand new issue of the Inter.
Journal of Performing Arts and Digital Media focused on "Bodily Extensions
and Performance", published by Routledge.


Guest edited by Sita Popat and Sarah Whatley, this Special Issue "raises
critical questions about the nature of extended bodies and body-technology
practices. The six essays are concerned with the lived experiences of such
bodies, highlighting processes of incorporation and hybridity (Donnarumma),
influence and exchange (O’Brien), blurring and entanglement (Wilson),
shifting identities (Riszko), destabilisation and metamorphosis (Stępień)
and defamiliarisation of the everyday (Sobchack)."

It's particularly exciting to have here a contribution by Vivian Sobchack,
with a phenomenological analysis of choreographies for "one, two and three

In my own contribution - "Beyond the Cyborg" - I speak of the cultural and
artistic importance of accepting and understanding body-technology
hybridity; also offering an excursion into how is it to physically,
psychically and cognitively perform with an AI software in my latest
performance Corpus Nil.

If any of you is interested in my essay, but is faced with a nasty paywall,
feel free to PV me and I'll be happy to provide with my own author copy.

Wishing you well,

Marco Donnarumma, Ph.D.

*Performing bodies, sound and machinesUniversität der Künste Berlin*

Oct 5-14 | Amygdala MKI @ Close, Never Closer, UdK, Berlin
Oct 27 | Ominous live @ Holzmund, Berlin
Nov 28 | Amygdala MKI @ Retune Artist Lab, Hub Berlin

New Essay
"Beyond the Cyborg: Performance, attunement and autonomous computation"

Einsteinufer 43, Raum 212
10587 Berlin, DE
m: +4915221080444

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