[NetBehaviour] taxonomy or framework's of telematic music making

helen varley jamieson helen at creative-catalyst.com
Thu Sep 21 12:17:48 CEST 2017

it's a bit tangential, but in 2007 stephen schrumm presented a proposed
taxonomy of digital performance. i wrote a bit about it in my masters

At the 2007 Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)
conference in New Orleans,
Stephen Schrum presented a “Proposed Taxonomy of Digital Performance”
(Schrum, 2007).
Prompted by the absence of such a thing, he offered his taxonomy as a
starting point for a
discussion around common terms within the field of digital performance
that might be agreed
on and adopted. His taxonomy defines eight general areas across a
spectrum with “traditional”
(theatre production that does not include digital technology) at one end
and a hypothetical
“interactive holographic theatre” (full immersion and interaction in a
virtual world) at the
other. It is the seventh area, “computer-mediated performance” which
bears most relevance to
this research. Schrum defines computer-mediated performance as
“[p]erformance [that]
happens through the computer screen” and subdivides it into a further
two categories: “RL-
adapted performance” and “cyberspace performance”. The first he defines
as “Plays about
Real-Life (RL) performed in cyberspace” while the second is “Plays
created and set in
cyberspace; performed in cyberspace” and for both he gives examples of
works that use the

(& there's some more discussion about how cyberformance might fit into
such a taxonomy, or not).

unfortunately the link i had then (10 years ago) doesn't work now. but
you could probably get it from steve himself if you think it would be

h : )

On 16.09.2017 14:39, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
> Nothing to contribute, sadly, but very keen to see anything that comes
> out of this - do share!
> cheers
> michael
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Roger Mills <roger at eartrumpet.org>
> *To:* NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 16, 2017 6:38 AM
> *Subject:* [NetBehaviour] taxonomy or framework's of telematic music
> making
> Hi all,
> (sorry for cross postings)
> I’m currently writing about theories and taxonomies of telematic
> music, networked music performance, tele-improvisation and other
> tele-collaborative forms of music making.
> While many net musicians have contributed new theoretical perspectives
> in papers and articles about individual project’s or ideas, it seems
> that no one has proposed an updated typology or framework since Golo
> Föllmer’s Net Music (2002, 2005) and Gill Weinberg’s Interconnected
> Musical Networks (2002, 2003, 2005).. 
> Does anyone know of any others, particularly recently ?
> I’m after specific categorised frameworks, rather than individual
> theories on one aspect.
> Hope you’re all enjoying the weekend !
> Bests
> Roger
> --
> Roger Mills
> http://www.eartrumpet.org <http://www.eartrumpet.org/>
> http://ethernetorchestra.net <http://ethernetorchestra.net/>
> http://telesound.net <http://telesound.net/>
> "Knowledge is only rumour until it is in the muscle" - Asaro Mudmen,
> Papua New Guinea.
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helen varley jamieson
helen at creative-catalyst.com <mailto:helen at creative-catalyst.com>
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